History crossword 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryGermany 1918 - 1945GCSEAQA Created by: 13selbycCreated on: 14-03-17 09:53 At the end of world war 1 the khaiser did what? Abdicate 1 of 10 What caused the collapse of the german economy? Hyperinflation 2 of 10 the edelwiess ------ were a anti-nazi resistant group Pirates 3 of 10 the title of hitlers book was? Mein Kampf 4 of 10 Nazis used ------ as the blame for germany's ruined economy Jews 5 of 10 What took the khaisers place? The weimar republic 6 of 10 What was signed after world war 1? Treaty of versailles 7 of 10 Many germans had a fear of what political idea? Communism 8 of 10 Hitler wanted to study what subject? Art 9 of 10 What month did hitler become chancellor? January 10 of 10
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