French philosopher, suggested that the mind and body are separate "I think therefore I am"
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Loke ( 1632-17040) Empiricism
All experiences can be obtained by senses, humans inherit neither knowledge nor instincts -Behaviourist approach
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Darwin (1809-1882) Biological
Evolutionary theory, humans' and animals' behaviour changed so he individual with stronger, more adaptive genes survive and reproduce, (social behaviour adaptation to benefit human survival)
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Wundt ( 1879) Birth of psychology as a science
established first psychological laboratory in Germany, uses methods such as introspection - stronger scientific evidence
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Freud (1900) Psychodynamic
emphasised influence of the unconscious mind on behaviour- physical problems explained through conflict within the mind
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Watson and Skinner (1913) Behaviourist
development on Locke's Empiricism, used conditioning of stimulus to effect behaviour
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Rogers and Maslow (1950) Humanistic
beloved in free will and choice, have basic necessitates such as on Maslow's triangle
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Cognitive revolution (1960)
Comparison between computer processes and mental process
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Bandura ( 1960) Social Learning Theory
connects cognitive and behaviourism, role of cognitive factors in learning
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Biological (1980)
establish as dominant scientific perspective in psychology- understand brain
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Cognitive neuroscience (2001)
cognitive and biological, understanding brain structures and effects they have on behaviour
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
All experiences can be obtained by senses, humans inherit neither knowledge nor instincts -Behaviourist approach
Loke ( 1632-17040) Empiricism
Card 3
Evolutionary theory, humans' and animals' behaviour changed so he individual with stronger, more adaptive genes survive and reproduce, (social behaviour adaptation to benefit human survival)
Card 4
established first psychological laboratory in Germany, uses methods such as introspection - stronger scientific evidence
Card 5
emphasised influence of the unconscious mind on behaviour- physical problems explained through conflict within the mind
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