government encouragement, the oregon trail, mountain men
20 of 30
give 2 push factors of moving to the west
economic depression, collape in cereal crop prices
21 of 30
give 6 difficulties faced on the journey west
diseases, extreme weather, dehydration, lack of food, indian attacks, heat stroke
22 of 30
what was the vision for joseph smith?
in 1820 he had a claimed to have a pillar of light before him telling him not to join any religious group. And in 1827 an agel told joseph where he book was buried. He dug it up
23 of 30
what were the plates?
the person who found the plates was to restore the true church of christ in America,
24 of 30
what was the book of mormon?
publsihed in 1830, it contained statements of 8 people, claiming they had seen the plates.
25 of 30
what was the ultimate mission?
after praying for guidance he took his followers to the village of Kirtland, in Ohio, where he planned to set up a city of god.
26 of 30
what were the years the mormons spent in Kirtland?
27 of 30
what were the years the mormons spent in Missouri?
28 of 30
what were the years the mormons sent in Nauvoo?
29 of 30
who was brigham young?
the leader after joseph smith
30 of 30
Other cards in this set
Card 2
describe the atmosphere of Oaklahoma
green, flat
Card 3
describe the atmosphere of South dakota
Card 4
describe the atmosphere of Lowa
Card 5
give one reason why the great american desert may be a difficult place to live
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