History - The Reform of Parliament (Theme 1) 5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? HistoryModern Britain from 1750A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: LeksiCameronCreated on: 07-12-17 19:39 In counties what was the freehold property qualification to vote in 1780? 40 shillings a year 1 of 39 The 1832 Reform Act extended the franchise so that ... could vote 1 in 5 males (20%) 2 of 39 The 1867 Reform Act extended the franchise so that ... could vote 1 in 3 males (33%) 3 of 39 The 1884 Reform Act extended the franchise so that ... could vote 3 in 5 males (60%) 4 of 39 The 1918 Reform Act extended the franchise so that all ... could vote and to ... could vote Men over the age of 21 | women over the age of 30 if they were householders or married to one 5 of 39 The 1928 Reform Act extended the franchise so that ... could vote Women could vote on the same term as men 6 of 39 During 1832-67 the Whigs evolved into which party and why? The Liberals (1859) and due to the extended franchise 7 of 39 When did the Labour Party emerge? The 1880s and 1890s (only formally a professional party from 1906) 8 of 39 1780. How many men could vote? c. 490,000 (11%) 9 of 39 1832. How many men could vote? c.800,000 (20%) 10 of 39 1867. How many men could vote? 2 million men (33%) 11 of 39 1884. How many men could vote? 5 million men (50%) 12 of 39 1918. How many men could vote? 13 million (100%) 13 of 39 1928. How many men could vote? 14.5 million (100%) 14 of 39 1918. How many women could vote? 8.5 million (60%) 15 of 39 1928. How many women could vote? 14.5 million (100%) 16 of 39 Causes of Parliamentary Reform, 1780-1832? Extra-parliamentary agitation | International circumstances (revolutions) | Influence of radicals 17 of 39 Over how many seats had fewer than 50 voters? 50 18 of 39 How many seats were uncontested? 30% 19 of 39 What did William Pitt the Younger propose to do in 1785? Disenfranchise 36 of the worst rotten boroughs and redistribute their 72 seats to London & most populous counties 20 of 39 How many rotten and pocket boroughs did the 1832 Reform Act abolish? 56 21 of 39 How many boroughs lost one MP after the 1832 Reform Act? 30 22 of 39 After the 1832 Reform Act how many new boroughs were created with 2 MPs? Twenty-two 23 of 39 After 1832 how many pocket boroughs remained? 70 24 of 39 The 1867 Reform Act deprived how many small boroughs of 1 MP 38 25 of 39 Boroughs with fewer than 15,000 votes lost both of their seats as a result of which Act? The Redistribution Act of 1885 26 of 39 What did Disraeli introduce in 1867? Fancy Franchise - an extra vote would go to those with professional qualifications or a unviersity degree 27 of 39 Plural voting was not completely abolished until...? 1948 28 of 39 The Redistribution Act of 1885 created what? Suburban constituencies out of larger towns and cities (they were more likely to vote Conservative) 29 of 39 When was the Ballot Act (The Secret Ballot Act) and who passed it? 1872 | William Gladstone's Liberal government 30 of 39 What did the Corrupt & Illegal Practices Prevention Act of 1883 do? Set maximum limits for expenditure on elections (Made campaigning fairer) 31 of 39 Before 1832 around how many electors came under the influence of landlords? (Percentage) 25% 32 of 39 What was the 'triple-whammy' of the 1880s? The Corrupt & Illegal Practises Prevention Act ('83) | The Reform Act ('84) | The Redistribution of Seats Act ('85) 33 of 39 The 1867 Reform Act had enfranchised male borough residents who ...? Owned or occupied residencies for a year a longer 34 of 39 The 1867 Reform Act had enfranchised county residents who ...? Leased land worth £5 a year, or with property of a rate able value of £12 per year 35 of 39 When was the Chandos Ammedement and what did it do? 1832 | Added £50 farmers and 40-shilling freeholders to the franchise 36 of 39 Under the Redistribution Act what did the number of London seats increase to? 22 seats to 62 37 of 39 605 of those working in shell factories were? Women 38 of 39 In which year was the Ballot Act introduced? 1872 39 of 39
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