History, Tudors, Henry viii, Thomas Wolsey
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- Created by: TobyClayson
- Created on: 04-03-23 16:52
When and where was Wolsey born?
1472, Ipswich
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What was he the son of?
A Butcher
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Who did he gain patronage under?
Bishop Fox
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Who was Bishop Fox
One of Henry vii's most trusted Councillors.
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What position did he gain using Fox's support?
Royal Almoner
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What is Royal Almoner?
In charge of distributing leftover food from the palace kitchens to the poor.
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In 1512 what did Henry entrust Wolsey with?
Organising the following years expedition in France.
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Which city was Wolsey made Bishop of in 1513?
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By 1514 how much trust did Henry have in Wolsey?
Henry was referring all major business to him.
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Which 2 cities were Wolsey made Bishop and Archbishop of in 1514?
Bishop of Lincoln and Archbishop of York.
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Which 2 positions did Wolsey gain in 1515
Cardinal and Lord Chancellor.
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What year was Wolsey made Papal Legate?
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Who was Wolsey's main enemy?
The Duke of Norfolk
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Who did Wolsey investigate in 1520?
The Duke of Buckingham
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When was Buckingham arrested and executed for treason?
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Why was Buckingham a threat to Henry?
He had royal blood and a legitimate claim to the throne.
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When did Wolsey draw up plans to close monasteries with less than 6 inmates?
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What was the name of the college that Wolsey planned to found?
Cardinal College in Oxford
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What did Wolsey attempt to prevent the rise of in England?
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When and where did Wolsey first do this?
In May 1521 outside St Paul's Cathedral
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What did he do?
Held up and unfinished manuscript written by Henry against the ideas of Martin Luther.
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What title did Henry receive from The Pope as result of this.
'Defender of the Faith'
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When did Wolsey become Bishop of Durham?
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When did Wolsey become Bishop of Winchester?
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Which monastery was Wolsey made abbot of?
St Albans
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What was Wolsey accused of because he held so many posts?
Twin Vices of Absenteeism
(Not being present as much as he should be)
(Not being present as much as he should be)
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When were the Eltham Ordinances?
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What were they designed to do?
Reorganise the finances of the Privy Chamber and make them more efficient.
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How many members was the Privy council reduced to under the Eltham Ordinances?
From 12 members to 6.
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What did Wolsey actually intend to use this reorganisation for?
To reduce the influence of others in the court.
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What did Wolsey want to strengthen?
The Star Chamber?
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What was the Star Chamber?
It was staffed by the Privy council and dealt out justices on Henry's behalf involving the nobility.
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Which King founded the Star Chamber?
Henry vii
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What did Wolsey want to use the Star Chamber for?
To attack nobles and local officials who abused their power.
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What did the number of cases heard each year rise to as a result of this?
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How many cases did Wolsey hear in the Star Chamber?
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How many more cases did Wolsey hear in the Star Chamber than Henry vii?
He heard 10 times more.
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What was the Chancery?
A court used to deal with problems relating to enclosure, contracts and land left in wills.
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How many cases did Wolsey hear in the Chancery?
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When was the Enclosure Act?
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How many prosecutions did it lead to in the Chancery?
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When was the Enclosure Act abandoned?
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what were the Justices of Peace and Sheriffs ordered to do?
Return to London to renew their oaths of loyalty.
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When was the Act of Resumption?
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What did it do?
It regained crown lands that had previously been granted away in an attempt to increase income.
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What effect did this have?
Very little effect.
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When did Wolsey organise a national survey to assess who could pay tax?
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When was the last investigation into national finances?
The Domesday Survey, 1086
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How much did Wolsey gain in forced loans as a result of the survey?
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When was the 'Tudor Subsidy'?
It was approved by the House of Commons in 1523.
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What was it?
It changed taxes to be more flexible, based on income rather than property.
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What is an example of the tax?
1 Shilling in every pound made from land worth over £50.
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When was the Amicable Grant?
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What was it?
An attempt to raise money for Henry's invasion in France.
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what did it lead to?
The only significant rebellion in Henry's reign.
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What did Wolsey undertake in 1526
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What positive and negative effects did this have?
+ Stimulated exports.
- Caused their value to drop.
- Caused their value to drop.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was he the son of?
A Butcher
Card 3
Who did he gain patronage under?

Card 4
Who was Bishop Fox

Card 5
What position did he gain using Fox's support?

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