History - Weimar Germany
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- Created by: Jasmin3
- Created on: 06-04-18 11:49
When were the interwar years?
1 of 62
Why did america eneter the first world war and what eefect did this have on Germany?
They entered to help out their Allies, Britain and also supported them with food supplies etc...They were one of the reasons Germany gave up.
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What is Germany's main reason for surrundering the First World War?
German economy was suffering, they were nearing a 3rd world country status.
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In 1918, who was the Emperor of Germany?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
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Why did Kaiser Wilhelm abdicate and why?
Spring 1918 because the army refused to carry on fighting the war, it was badly fought. Also signing Treaty of Versaille meant losing their Kaiser.
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What does Kaiser Wilhelm II do after he abdicates and why?
Flees to Holland and never returns because of the embarassment of losing th war and leaving Germany in bits.
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When was the new Germany Government formed? When was the armistice signed?
Government formed - October 1918. Armistice signed - November 11th 1918
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The party voted into parliament was known as what? Who is second in command of governement at this point?
The group in parliament are known as the Reichstag. The chancellor is second in command.
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When the new government is formed who becomes president?
Frederich Ebert
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What elections were t be held in Jan 1919? What was this?
Election for the National Assembly. This would write a new constitution for the German Republic.
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What is the difference between left and right wing parties?
Left wing = communism, equality for power. Right wing = Fashism, one group in charge.
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Define "Coalitions".
More than one party in parliament. This was dominate in Germany at this time.
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What is a "moderate" party?
Someone who's views are neither right or left wing but somewhere less extreme in the middle.
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Name the most far left and far right groups? Who is in the centre?
Left - KPD (Communist) Right- NSDAP (Nazi)Centre - DDP
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How often was the Reichstag elected? How often was the President elected?
Reichstag- every four years. President- Every 7 years.
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What was Article 48?
The law that meant the president could overrule the constitution in an 'emergency'. He could make rules or change them without any support.
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What was the Reichstrat?
A second less powerful house of parliament, members of each region sat here.
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What was a strength in voting that nowhere else in Europe had?
Mena nd women over 20 could vote.
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Proportional Representation happened in the German Republic. What is this?
For example 10% of votes meant 10% of seats. Meant no-one could win outright.
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When was the Treaty of Versaille signed?
28th June 1919
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Who put together the 14 points in orfder for the peace treaty to be signed?
US President Wilson Woodrow
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In the Treaty of Versaille what did Britain want?
Stop any fture agression, trading, wanted borders with France covered.
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In the Treaty of Versaille what did USA want?
Rid of Germany's Kaiser (democracy introduced) rid of secret diplomacies.
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In the Treaty of Versaille what did France want?
Pay for war expenses (reparations), borders back also and land 'Alsace-Lorraine' back.
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What three catergories of terms were in the Treaty of Versaille?
Territorial Terms, Military Terms and Financial Terms.
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What were the four things Germany had to accept after the war?
Blame, Reparations, Armies, Territory. BRAT.
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What is the stab in the back theory?
German citizens blamed German Politicians for the treaty. They didn't know it was signed till it was too late. They hated the terms of the treaty.
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Define " Putsch".
A violent attempt to overthrow government.
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Which two pople led the Sparticist uprising? What happened to them?
Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Leibknecht. They fled after and later died.
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What are Sparticists?
A left-wing party (communists). Emerged from SPD group.
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When was the sparticist uprising? What happened?
1919. Tried to overthrow President Ebert in Berlin. Army crushed them in days?
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What is the Freikorps?
Unofficial military group of ex-soliders. Wanted rid of communism in Germany.
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Who lead the Kapp Putsch Uprising? What happned to them?
Wolfgang Kapp, was killed.
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When was the Kapp Putsch upring? What happened?
1920. Uprising was successful and went on longer than sparticist but did not have support from the people. Also in Berlin. Germany striked.
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Who were the Kapp Putsch group?
A right-wing party based on Fashism.
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Give 3 reasons why there were so many uprisings in Germany 1919-1922?
1) There were two extremely strong and different political beliefs. 2) People wanted old Germany back, before the treaty was signed. 3) Too many colaitions were formed meaning no 'power' made and decisions or change in Germany.
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In March 1920, President Ebert disbanded which group?
The Freikorps
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How much was the reparartions cost in the Treaty of Versaille? What did this cause in Germany?
6.6 billion. Meant inflation in Germany?
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What is inflation?
When prices continue to rise but wages do not rise with it.
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What was the Ruhr Uprising?
France and Belgium troops marched into Germany and took over the Ruhr. Connecting land between the two countries.
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When was the Ruhr Uprising? Why did it happen?
March 1920. Because Germany wasn't paying their reparation bills.
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Why was the 'Ruhr' land so important to Germany?
Because it was full of factories and working land, brought in their main income.
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How did Germany respond to the Ruhr uprising?
The public were furious but the government told them to stand aside and let the troops take it as the didn't want to ignite war. The public striked.
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When was hyperinflation at it's maxiumum in Germany?
November 1923
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Give 2 postives of hyperinflation.
1) Unemployment benefit was raised 2) People paid back less money than they owned in terms of worth 3) The riches possessions and foreign currency was protected
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Give 2 negatives of hyperinflation.
1) Pensions and savings were now worth nothing 2) Mortages, investments, insurance value was wiped to nothing 3) Caused lots of unemployment
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Give 3 reasosn hyperinflation occured in Germany.
1) They lost income through Ruhr land 2) Reparations bills were very high 3) Money was printed everyday, it was worthless 4) People went on strike but were paid
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What years was Germany's success period, what is this called?
1924-1929 The Golden Age.
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Who became chancellor in 1923 and then became foreign minister until 1929?
Gustav Stresemann
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Why was Gustav Stresemann such a breakthrough?
He accepted the terms of the treaty of versaille and began rebuilding connections with the other countries again.
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What were Gustav Stresemann's 3 biggest solutions?
Better housing, Unemployment pay and Job centres.
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What was 'The Dawes Plan'?
An agreement with USA to loan Germany money to pay back the reparations bill to France with.
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What temporary currency was introduced when trying to control hyperinflation?
The Rentenmark
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What was 'The Young Plan'?
Germany complained so much about their economy the reparations bill was reduced hugely.
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Name the 5 Foreign Policies Gustav Stresemann helped enforce?
The Dawes Plan, The Young Plan, The Locarno Pact, League of Naations and The Kellogg-Briand Pact.
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When was 'The Locarno Pact'? What is this?
October 1925- Germany, France, Belgium respect borders. Marks return to Europe. Period of cooperation between B,F+G.
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When was 'The League of Nations'? What is this?
September 1926- Germany became a member of this, a permanent seat. Confirmed Germany's recovered 'Great Power' status- BOLD MOVE!
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When was ' The Kellogg-Briand Pact'? What is this?
1928- Signed to say armies are only for self-defence. Would solve disputes by peaceful means. Improved relations with USA.
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Name 2 things Germany recovered and didn't in 1924-1929.
Recovered: Foreign Policy, Inflation. Didn't Recover: Political Instability, Democracy enforced.
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Name 4 Key Topics which improved in the Golden Age.
Wages, Housing, Unemployment Insurance, Politics, Employment and Leisure
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What features of German culture improved in the Golden Age?
Art, Architecture, Cinema, Literature and Theatre.
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What style was huge within culture in the Golden Age?
Realism- What is actually happening, portraying the truth.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Why did america eneter the first world war and what eefect did this have on Germany?
They entered to help out their Allies, Britain and also supported them with food supplies etc...They were one of the reasons Germany gave up.
Card 3
What is Germany's main reason for surrundering the First World War?

Card 4
In 1918, who was the Emperor of Germany?

Card 5
Why did Kaiser Wilhelm abdicate and why?

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