History- Were the peace treaties of 1919-1923 fair?
5.0 / 5 based on 8 ratings
- Created by: Kitsune
- Created on: 08-03-17 11:45
What was the speech that Wilson made in 1918?
Speech outlining 14 points which were to be followed in creating peace treaties
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Name the Big Three
Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemenceau
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Why did some people not like Wilson?
He appeared too arrogant when in fact he did not know much about the problems in Europe
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Why didn't Wilson want to punish Germany too harshly?
He was afraid of a Communist revolution and that Germany may want revenge
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Why did Lloyd George not want to punish Germany too harshly?
He was afraid that it may want revenge and that the punishment may lead to a Communist revolution. He also wanted Germany and Britain to resume trading relationships.
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What did Lloyd George want Germany to lose?
Its navy
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What did Germany take from Russia and in what treaty?
Treaty of Brest-Letovsk of 1918. Germany took 25% of Russia's population and the best agricultural land
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What was the pressure Lloyd George faced?
The Brits wanted a harsh treaty. They were fed anti-German propaganda for 4 years and they wanted revenge.
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Why was Lloyd George pressured?
Because he was elected for promising to make Germany pay
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What did Clemenceau want?
He wanted to weaken Germany as much as possible
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What was France's attitude toward Germany?
They hated it and were afraid that it may attack again
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Why was the peace making process extremely difficult?
Because the Big Three all had different aims so it was very difficult to come to n agreement and they quickly stopped asking their conductors for advice and just worked with each other, making it difficult for others to know what is happening
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What did Clemenceau want from Germany?
Get control over Rhineland to secure French borders. He also wanted Germany's colonies to be shared among the Allies
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What did Clemenceau disagreed about with Lloyd George?
Lloyd George's desire not to treat Germany too harshly
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Which point out of the 14 point did Lloyd George disagree with most?
Point 2- that all nations were allowed access to sea. Also, he didn't like Wilson's desire for people to rue themselves as that threatened the empire
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What was the 1st term of the Treaty of Versailles?
Germany and its allies had to accept war guilt
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What was the Clause that said Germany had to accept war guilt?
Clause 231
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What was the 2nd term of the Treaty of Versailles?
Germany had to pay 6.6 billion pounds in reparations
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What happened to Rhine land?
It became a demilitarized zone
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What happened to Alsace Lorraine?
It was given to France
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What happened to Saar?
It was to be run by the league and 15 years later a plebiscite was to be held
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What happened to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania?
The became independent states
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What happened to Upper Silesia?
It was given to Poland
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What happened to Danzig?
It was to be ran by the League, it became a free city
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Anschluss was...
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What happened to West Prussia and Posen?
The were given to Poland, the 'Polish corridor'
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What happened to Germany's overseas colonies?
They were taken away and became mandates controlled by the League
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What was Germany's army limited to?
100 000 men
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Conscription into the German army was...
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How many ships did the German navy have?
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Was Germany allowed submarine and aircraft?
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What were the Germans angry about regarding the League?
The fact that they weren't invited
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What did Germans feel about the war guild clause and the reparations?
They hated the war clause especially as they didn't believe Germany started the war. They were bitter that they had to pay even though their economy was severely weakened. Also unfair- they had to sign a blank check
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What did Germans feel about disarmament?
They felt it was unfair that only Germany had to disarm to that extent as no other county followed this point. They were also humiliated by these terms as the army was their pride
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What did the Germans feel about the League and 14 points?
They were insulted as they weren't invited to the League. The point about self determination wasn't followed as Germans were hived off to be rules by the Czechs
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Why were Germans angry about the peace conferences?
They weren't allowed to represent themselves, they were just forced to accept the terms
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Why were Germans very angry about losing territory?
Because Britain and France were expanding instead
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When was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
28 June 1919
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What are the 3 point that are in favor of the treaty being unfair?
Germany thought it was a diktat, it wasn't based fully on Wilson's 14 points, the Allies were following their interests
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What are the 3 point that are in favor of the treaty being fair?
Germany lost the war and could only expect to be punished, the Weimar government was able to pay the reparations, the Treaty was not as harsh as Brest-Litovsk
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What treaty dealt with Austria?
Treaty of St Germain
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What were the territorial demands of the treaty of St Germain?
Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia created, Austro-Hungarian empire broken up, no Anschluss
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What was Austria's army limited to?
30 000
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When was the treaty of St Germain signed?
10 September 1919
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What were the reparations Austria have to pay?
It had to pay reparations for 30 years but no money were ever paid. Instead, Austria paid with animals
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What treaty dealt with Bulgaria?
Treaty of Neuilly
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When was the Treaty of Neuilly signed?
27 November 1919
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What was Bulgaria's army limited to?
20 000 men
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How much did Bulgaria have to pay in reparations?
100 million pounds
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Who did Bulgaria lose land to?
Romania, Greece, Yugoslavia
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What treaty dealt with Hungary?
Treaty of Trianon
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When was the Treaty of Trianon signed?
4 June 1920
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What were the military limitations on Hungary?
No conscription, no air force, 35 000 men
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Who did Hungary lose land to?
Romania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia
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What reparations did Hungary pay?
Its economy was too weak so it never paid
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What treaty dealt with Turkey?
Treaty of Sevres
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When was the treaty of Sevres signed?
10 August 1920
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What were the military limitations on Turkey?
No air force, strictly limited navy and 50 000 men
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What happened to Turkey's economy?
It was to be controlled by the Allies
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What territorial demands did the Treaty of Sevres make?
Turkish empire to be broken up and land to be lost to Italy, Bulgaria and Greece
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How was the Treaty of Sevres reversed?
Turkish nationalists under Mustafa Kemal Pasha set up a new Grand Assembly and began to reverse the treaty by force.
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Was the Turkish Empire territory restored?
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What did Mustafa Kemal Pasha achieve?
For the French to leave Turkish land
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What happened to Armenia after the treaty of Sevres?
Wilson failed to help it gain independence so instead Armenia became part of USSR
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Which treaty was made to fix the treaty of Sevres? In what year?
Treaty of Lausanne, 1923
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Name the Big Three
Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemenceau
Card 3
Why did some people not like Wilson?
Card 4
Why didn't Wilson want to punish Germany too harshly?
Card 5
Why did Lloyd George not want to punish Germany too harshly?
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