History 1 Russia before and durrinhg the revolution dates 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia 1905-1941IGCSEAll boards Created by: Cordelia DMCreated on: 11-10-14 10:07 1894-1917 Russia was rulled by tsar Nicolas II autocrat till 1905 1 of 8 1905 revolution bloody sunday 130 killed workers after a peacful protest lead by priest 2 of 8 1905 Tsar granted a dumas even if it had very limited powers ( could not propose a law just agree or disagree) 3 of 8 1912 Lana goldfield strike soldiers opened fire killing 270 miners because they went on strike 4 of 8 1914-1918 world war one 5 of 8 1912 Lana goldfield strick 6 of 8 1912 Lana goldfield strike soldiers opened fire killing 270 miners because they went on strick 7 of 8 2nd of march 1917 abdication of tsar in favour of his brother Michael 8 of 8
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