
international relations quiz

who built dreadnaughts first?
1 of 15
the treaty of versailles was to?
punish germany, keep peace
2 of 15
Why did jack the ripper never get caught?
police had limited resources and no one knew what he looked like.
3 of 15
What was the war guilt clause?
Germany had to accept the blame for the war
4 of 15
what was woodrow wilsons main aim?
world peace and the treaty to be based on his 14 points.
5 of 15
when did germany join the leauge of nations?
6 of 15
what was george clemenceau's main aim?
Revenge for the previous damage to france
7 of 15
what was david lloyd george's main aim?
didntwant germany to be punished too harshly and to loose thier empire
8 of 15
clemenceau wanted germany to pay more reparations then £6,600 million
9 of 15
what were living condition like in victorian towns?
back to back terrace housing,one tap per street, diseases from water, families cramed in rooms together to live in.
10 of 15
How did disease spread throughout trenches?
By rats and many soldiers got trench foot
11 of 15
what was the league of nations?
a international organisation set up to keep peace and prevent war in the 1920
12 of 15
What was kristallnacht?
when nazis broke into jewish homes trashing all their belongins,smashing windows making children walk on broken glass.
13 of 15
what impact did WW1 have on Germany?
german people were starving,geran people hated the weimar republic for signign the treaty, hyperinflation began.
14 of 15
what is hitlers first name?
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


the treaty of versailles was to?


punish germany, keep peace

Card 3


Why did jack the ripper never get caught?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the war guilt clause?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what was woodrow wilsons main aim?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Abbey Thomas


Kristallnacht was the night of broken glass when German people broke into Jewish businesses without authorisation, Goering disagreed with these methods as they damaged the economy.

I also don't understand what Jack the ripper, victorian Britain and trenches have to do with the syllabus that we are studying!!!

the war guilt clause was Article 231 and stated that Germany should take the blame for WWI

Oh and by the way no one calls it england anymore its Great Britain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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