history flash cards

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 19-05-13 16:54
what happened on january 5th?
edward the confessor died
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who was prince edgar
prince edgar was edward the confessors nefew making him edwards nearest blood relative.
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why was prince edgar not able to have the throne?
he was only a child and had no experience.
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who was named king?
Harold godwin, he had been the earl of wessex and the leader of the kings army he had stopped and invation of the king of wales. was not a blood relative but his sister had been edwards wife.
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why was duke william of normandy angry?
he was angry because in 1051 william had visited england and was promised the throne and in 1064 harold had been ship wrecked and captured by williams army and before he was set free had promised to help william get the throne.
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harold hardrada king of norway also wanted the throne, why?
he wanted it because before the reign of edward the confessor englad had been ruled by a family of vikings, cnut and his sons. he thought that another viking should rule england.
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who was first to invade?
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where did hardrada land?
he landed in humber estuary
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how many ships did hardrada have?
he had 300 ships
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describe the battle of fulford?
at the battle of fulford hardrada was fighting the earl of mercia and his brother, the earl of northumbria. england were defeated hardrada controlled the north.
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what happened at stamford bridge?
harold surprise attacked hardrada. tostig harolds brother who hated him, and hardrada died there.
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what were williams advantages in the battle of hastings?
williams army had better weapons, william had many more tac-tics, william had many more tac-tics, William used cavalry and archers whereas Harold did not, William had organized his army better,
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what were harolds advantages in the battle of hastings
he was on a hill, he had tac tics also, he had created a shield wall, he had chosen where to place the battle well
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what were harolds disadvantages in the battle of hastings
most of his men were not trained well, his men fought with axes which were a bad chose of wepon because when you lift it abouve your head you ar not protecting you stomach, his other men fought with spears. these wernt a very good choice either,
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what were williams disadvantages in the battle of hastings
williams men had to fight up hill because harold was based on a hill, they had heavy armour which weighed them down.
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why did william win the battle of hastings?
he had better trained men in his army, he was better prepeared, he had tac tics, he was smart and tricked the english army
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why did william creat the feudal system?
william needed to make sure he had men ready to fight if the people revolted this may happen because william was not originally english and they all wanted an english king his knights couldnt stay with him because it was too expencive.
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describe the feudal system?
king gives land to the barrons then they give land to the knights they give soldiers to the barrons who give soldiers to the king for 24 days a year.
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what was the doomsday book?
the doomsday book was a very thourough survey to see how much land each person owned this was probobly so william could collect more tax.
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how much land did the slaves own\/
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how much land did the bordars/cottars own
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how much land did the villeins/freemans
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how much land did the rich own?
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what percentage of england were slaves?
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what percentage of england were bordars/cottars?
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what percentage of england were villeins/freemen?
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what percentage of england were rich?
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advantages of motte and biley castles?
they were easy to build, they were cheap to buuild, the draw bridge could be closed to provide additional protection, they were good to show strength and controll
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disadvantages of motte and biley castles?
they were made of wood so it could burn, or rot, it could be destroyed by fire arrows, a battering ram could be used against the fence, the keep was the last line of defence
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advantages of square keep castles?
very strong as they were made from stone, The Stone Keep Castles have very high walls meaning that any attackers that come can't fire arrows over it, walls are 7 metres thick, have narrrow slits in the wall so arrows cant get in but can be fired out.
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disadvantages of square keep castles?
took a long time to build, more expencive, very heavy so hard to build, towers have one way stairs so if you are running a way you cant get down.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


who was prince edgar


prince edgar was edward the confessors nefew making him edwards nearest blood relative.

Card 3


why was prince edgar not able to have the throne?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


who was named king?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why was duke william of normandy angry?


Preview of the front of card 5
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