History- Hitler's foreign policy and the origins of WW2 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryCauses and effects of WW2GCSEAQA Created by: Dolly35Created on: 02-03-14 20:11 Hitler signed this with Poland in 1934 to guarantee that Hitler wouldn't invade its boundaries Non aggression Pact 1 of 16 Britain agreed to Germany rearming because seemed that he had ... intentions Peaceful 2 of 16 . An area which had been taken by the League and given to France Saar 3 of 16 . In the Anglo-Naval Agreement Britain agreed to Germany doing this Rearming 4 of 16 By 1938 Germans had over 2000 of these Aircrafts 5 of 16 The German navy had 47 of these by 1938 Uboats 6 of 16 The land that Hitler wanted to remilitarise Rhineland 7 of 16 The German... had reached around 800,000 by 1938 Army 8 of 16 The process when Hitler put his troops into the Rhineland Remilitarisation 9 of 16 A vote Plebiscite 10 of 16 Hitler would not try to take this back of Poland Polish Corridor 11 of 16 Britain wanted to limit the size of this in the Anglo-German Naval Agreement Navy 12 of 16 It failed in 1934 Anschluss 13 of 16 Hitler signed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement to weaken this Stresafront 14 of 16 Giving someone everything they want Appeasement 15 of 16 He was the Austrian Chancellor and was murdered in the first Anschluss Dollfuss 16 of 16
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