ADK and try to identify if author of the source is supportive or critical. The cartoonists message is...
1 of 5
Purpose- Why was this source produced?
A (explain purpose) D,K try to identify if author is supportive or critical. This source was produced because...
2 of 5
Useful- How useful is this source for...?
A source is useful if it matches your own knowledge BALANCED ANSWER. This source is useful because... This source is less useful because...
3 of 5
Comparison- How similar are these 2 sources?
A (explain why they are similar referring to purpose) D, K BALANCED ANSWER. The source is similar because... The sources are different because...
4 of 5
Suprise/Disprove- How far does source A make source B surprising?
A (Argue yes OR no based on evaluation of both sources) D, K (based on purpose) Source A does make is surprising because... Doesnt make it surprising because...
5 of 5
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Purpose- Why was this source produced?
A (explain purpose) D,K try to identify if author is supportive or critical. This source was produced because...
Card 3
Useful- How useful is this source for...?
Card 4
Comparison- How similar are these 2 sources?
Card 5
Suprise/Disprove- How far does source A make source B surprising?
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