History Revision
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- Created by: Emead98
- Created on: 06-05-14 19:52
In what year was the Brown VS Topeka case?
The case initially started in 1951 and lasted until 1954
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What was the Brown Vs Topeka case?
In 1951 Oliver Brown took the Topeka Board of education to the state court to try and get his daughter into a white school. He lost, but with the help of the NAACP, it got to the Supreme Court and the judge ruled all schools to be desegregated
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Who was the Judge of the Brown VS Topeka case?
Chief Justice Earl Warren
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What did Earl Warren say desegregation would cause?
Segregation in education would affect the hearts and souls of young black Americans for the rest of their lives.
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What was the significance of the Brown VS Topeka case?
It was the first legal victory for black Americans, inspire more fights for rights, and desegregated schools.
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Why was the American wealth of the 1920's an illusion?
-African Americans and farmers didn't benefit from jazz age. Neither did 60% of the population who had gambled money on the wall street market. 60% of families lived on less than $2000 a year which was what they needed to survive.
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Why did lack of consumer goods being sold affect the economy?
Goods weren't being sold, so factories, shops and businesses weren't making profits. This meant people were losing jobs and the unemployment rate rose.
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How many people were out of work due to the Wall Street Crash?
12 Million people
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How many people were being made unemployed everyday due to the Wall Street Crash?
12 000 people
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How many companies went bankrupt due to the crash?
20 000 companies
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How many banks went bankrupt due to the crash?
1616 banks
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How did the crash affect farmers?
1 in every 20 farmers was evicted
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How did the Wall Street Crash affect the suicide rate?
23 000 people committed suicide in one year- the highest ever in recorded history
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Who was the President at the time of the Wall Street Crash?
Herbert Hoover
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What was Hoovers political party and what was his belief?
Republican. 'Rugged individualism'
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What was Hoover's famous quote?
"Prosperity is just around the corner" Hoover did not believe the depression would last
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What was one project created by Hoover that gave opportunity to the unemployed?
The construction of the Hoover Dam
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What did Hoover do in 1932 to help states and the unemployed?
He gave $300 million. This was known as the Emergency Relief and Reconstruction act. However it was too little too late. Only $30 million of the offered money was used as the republican states believed in rugged individualism.
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Who won the November 1932 election? And what party did he belong to?
Franklin D Roosevelt. Democrat.
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What did Roosevelt promise the American public upon his election?
The New Deal
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Why was Germany affected by the Wall Street Crash?
They had borrowed a lot of money from the US to pay reparations for the First World war. Due to the crash they had to pay it back a lot sooner than they thought.
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What was the rate of unemployment in 1933?
14 Million
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What was the cause of the dust-bowl?
Over-farming, drought and poor conservation
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Why was Hoover's reputation damaged in 1932?
War Veterans marched the white house peacefully to receive their war bonuses. Hoover sent out his General and the veterans were gassed with tear gas and their camps were burnt down.
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What time of government to Roosevelt believe in?
Active Government.
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What did the New Deal focus on?
Getting Americans back to work. Getting the US agriculture and industry back on its feet. Providing relief for the sick, elderly and unemployed. Protecting peoples savings and property.
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What did Roosevelt do to help banks?
The Emergency Banking Act
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What was the Federal Emergency Relief Commission?
Spent $500 million on soup kitchens for the poor, employment schemes and blankets for those in need.
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What was the Civilian Conservation Corps?
This act ran environmental protection projects with the help of young unemployed men
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What was the Agricultural Adjustment Agencies?
Tried to get farmers back on track
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What was the Alphabet Acts?
The acts that Roosevelt put in place to try and help the depression.
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Who was Huey Long?
State Governor of Louisiana who thought that Roosevelt was doing too much to help the American public.
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Who were the groups of people who thought Roosevelt should take a step back?
The Rich, big businesses, landowners and factory owners
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In what year did Roosevelt gather the congress and organise the second New Deal?
June 1935
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What brought the US economy out of depression?
World War Two
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What were the three groups mostly affected by World War Two?
Black Americans, Women and Japanese Americans
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What were some of the jobs given to women during the time of the war?
Engineers, drivers, mechanics, riveters, lumberjacks and welders
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How many women served in the armed forces?
350 000
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How many black Americans served in the war?
1 million
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What year did Roosevelt introduce mixed-race combat units?
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Why were there riots in the Northern States?
Black Americans migrated up there in big numbers to find jobs.
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What was the fair employment practices committee?
Prevented larger companies getting production contracts unless they ruled out discrimination in their employment processes.
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How much did the members of the NAACP increase by?
46 000 to 460 000
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What year was the attack on Pearl Harbour?
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How many Japanese Americans were removed from their homes?
110 000 were removed from their homes on the West Coast of the USA
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Where were Japanese Americans sent?
Internement camps.
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How much money did Japanese Americans lose as a group?
$500 million
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How many Japanese Americans were conscripted into the war?
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Why were Ethel and Julius Rosenberg executed in 1953?
Accused of sending nuclear secrets to the soviet union
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How many names did McCarthy produce on the proposed communist list?
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How many people were sent to prison because of McCarthy?
400 people
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What caused McCarthy's downfall?
Accusing the army officers of communist activities
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Which president introduced the desegregation of the armed forces act in 1948?
President Truman
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What year was the the Little Rock High School case?
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What was the name of the State Governor preventing the little rock 9 from going to school?
Orval Faubus
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How many troops did President Eisenhower send in to help the little rock nine?
10 000 troops
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What year was it that desegregation was enforced in all schools?
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What was the significance of the Little Rock Nine case?
The media coverage gave the Civil Rights movement an international audience
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In what year did President Johnson pass the civil rights act?
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What act did Johnson introduce in 1965?
The voting rights act- which outlawed literacy tests
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Who was Stokely Carmichael?
President of the SNCC (Student non-violent coordinating committee)
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Who were the black panthers?
A black power movement group who armed themselves with weapons
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In what year was Martin Luther King assassinated in?
in 1968 by James Earl Ray
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In what decade did the Birth Control pill become available?
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What did the birth control pill mean for women?
This allowed women chances to consider higher educatiob, careers, and plan families
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In what year was the Equal pay act introduced?
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Who was Betty Friedan?
Author of The feminine Mystique. Book that argued all women should have equal political, social and economic rights to men in the USA.
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What does NOW stand for?
National organisation for women which formed in 1966
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In what year was the mock miss world competition staged by feminists?
1968- they crowned a sheep the winner
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How many members did the women's movement have by the 1970's?
40 000
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Name 3 Hollywood idols in the late 1950's
Elvis Presley, James Dean and Marlon Brando
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What were the two significant issues for the student movement?
Civil Rights and the Vietnam War
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What did Kennedy do about the public's wages?
He increased the minimum wage from $1.00 to $1.25
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What two acts did Kennedy pass?
The housing act and the area redevelopment act
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What did the Housing act do?
Helped slum clearance and provided loans for inner-city redevelopment
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What was Kennedy's scheme in presidency called?
The New Frontier
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What does WOPAR stand for?
War on poverty and racism
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Why was President Johnson unpopular?
Too much money was being spent on the vietnam war and not enough on the American public, especially black Americans.
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What act did Johnson introduce in 1965?
The Medicare act
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What year did Nixon become President?
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Why did the watergate scandal begin?
Five Burglars were caught breaking into the offices of the democrat party election team in the watergate building. The men were all involved in CREEP. They broke into the offices to try and find out information about democratic strategies.
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How much money was paid to the five burglars from the white House?
$460 000
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What was the famous quote from Richard Nixon?
"There can be no whitewash at the White House"
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Who was the successor of Richard Nixon? What did he do for Nixon?q
Gerald Ford. He pardoned Nixon when he became president in 1974
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What was the consequences of the Watergate scandal?
The powers of the US president would be greatly reduced.
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What was Reagan known for?
He spent hundreds of billions of dollars on the military, weapons, technology and defendse
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What did George Bush claim he wouldn't do?
Put no new taxes in place
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What was a positive aspect of Clinton's presidency?
22 million jobs were created under his power
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What was the name of the woman Clinton had an affair with?
Monica Lewinksy
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Who formed the NAACP? What year was it formed in?
William Dubois 1909.
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What were the aims of the NAACP?
Abolish segregation, end lynchings, get black people the right to vote, get equal education opportunities for black people
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Why were the 1940's a big step forward for black Americans?
The second world war and the Jim Crow army
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Who was Emmet Till?
In 1955, a 14 year old boy was murdered. He was not used to southern ways and the extent of racism against black people. The all white jury acquitted those who were accused of the murder.
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What did CORE stand for?
Congress of racial equality
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How many people were going to the cinema by 1930?
80 million a week.
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What film was the first talkie?
The jazz singer in 1927
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What were most films about in the 1940's?
Second World War.
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Why were fewer people going to the cinema in the 1950"?
The television had reached their homes.
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What directors came about in the 1970's?
Steven Spielberg and George Lucas (Jaws, and starwars)
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What was introduced in the 1980's that made films more interesting?
Special effects technologies
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What happened to the youth in the 1950's?
They become known as teenagers. They were rebellious, had new idols such as Elvis Presley and Little Richard. They become immoral, and there was an increase in crime. The behaviour of the young people shocked the adults and the generation gap develop
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was the Brown Vs Topeka case?
In 1951 Oliver Brown took the Topeka Board of education to the state court to try and get his daughter into a white school. He lost, but with the help of the NAACP, it got to the Supreme Court and the judge ruled all schools to be desegregated
Card 3
Who was the Judge of the Brown VS Topeka case?

Card 4
What did Earl Warren say desegregation would cause?

Card 5
What was the significance of the Brown VS Topeka case?

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