History: What Kind of Germany did the Nazis want to Create?

What did the Nazis believe that many of Germany's problems were caused by?
The weak leadership of the Weimar Government.
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What three things did the Nazis want their government to do?
Be strong to overturn the TOV, a strong army to make Germany once again the great military power it had been before the war and a strong thriving economy to restore the prosperity of the German people after the helplessness of the Depression
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What did the Nazis believe they needed to create their kind of Germany?
A forceful and decisive leader - Hitler.
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How did the Nazis want to develop the economy?
Wanted to make German industries as powerful as they had been before the First World War.
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Which race did Hitler believe was the superior race? Explain the ideas of this and why Hitler thought many of Germany's past problems had been caused.
Aryan - (blonde, blue-eyed Germans), he believed many of Germany's problems had been created because Germany was not run by racially pure Aryans.
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What kind of Germany did Hitler want to create? (2)
Strong and racially pure.
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Which racial minority did the Nazis want to get rid of? How?
The Jews - by removing them from positions of power - hounding them out of the country or isolating them from pure Aryans.
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Who would Hitler remove from Germany?
Anybody with undesirable qualities.
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How would the Nazis produce a racially pure Germany? Who was the most important contribution from? What was prevented?
A particular contribution was required from German women, they must consider it the highest duty to have as many racial pure children as possible. They should be prevented from marrying men of other races.
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What were Nazis views on women?
That they shouldn't work for a living but believed it was their national duty to have children and look after their families.
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What three aims did the Nazis have?
1. A strong Germany 2. A racial Germany 3. The volk/ the people's community
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What did all Nazis want all racially pure Germans to feel they were part of?
The volk or 'the peoples community'
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What would people in the volk see their own lives as?
Less important than their contribution to Germany itself.
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What did the phrase 'Volk, Führer und Vaterland' mean?
That in the Volk, individual liberties, such as the right to think differently from others, would be less valued than loyalty to the German people (Volk), to Hitler (Führer) and to Germany (the Fatherland)
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Complete the sentence: To create the Volk all other claims on people's _________ were to be _______.
To create the Volk, all other claims on people's loyalties were to be removed.
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What activities (give four) did the Nazi's dissolve/take over? Why?
Choir, swimming clubs, political parties and churches because it could divert people's attention away from serving the Volk. Even family loyalties would take second place.
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What did the Führer want to win of the German people?
Their hearts and minds.
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Why could Germans under the Nazis have no free speech? Give an example of an everyday situation which would be controlled?
Because the Nazis wanted to ensure that ideas opposed to Nazism were banished. Even everyday conversations between friends should be controlled.
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Which five ways would the Nazis control Germany?
Dictatorship, A one-state party, Economic success, Police state and propaganda state
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Explain the Nazi method of control: propaganda state
Nazis believed if they controlled what people heard,saw&read-then they could win their hearts&minds.Goebbels had already shown in the election campaigns how successfully he could use propaganda.They believed it'd be important now they were in power
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Explain the Nazi method of control: dictatorship
Nazi Germany would be a dictatorship.They didn't believe in democracy&thought the democratic system of the Weimar Republic was a disaster for the country.What Germany needed was a dictator who knew what was best&made decisions everyone else obeyed.
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Explain the Nazi method of control: one-party state
The Nazi party would be the only political party. Every state, every committee, every organisation, every club, would be led by members of the party.
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Explain the Nazi method of control: economic success
They would make sure that the German people had jobs and food. They would help them save for their own cars. They would provide holidays and entertainment for loyal Germans.
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Explain the Nazi method of control:police state
If there was opposition the ** and the police would have absolute power to arrest, punish and if necessary to execute the enemies of the state who did not follow dictator or submit to his demands for total loyalty.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What three things did the Nazis want their government to do?


Be strong to overturn the TOV, a strong army to make Germany once again the great military power it had been before the war and a strong thriving economy to restore the prosperity of the German people after the helplessness of the Depression

Card 3


What did the Nazis believe they needed to create their kind of Germany?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did the Nazis want to develop the economy?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which race did Hitler believe was the superior race? Explain the ideas of this and why Hitler thought many of Germany's past problems had been caused.


Preview of the front of card 5
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