Home Life - Donde vivo yo 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishHome LifeIGCSEEdexcel Created by: AurielpawseyCreated on: 12-12-17 20:58 A las afueras de the outskirt of 1 of 58 aislado/a isolated 2 of 58 la aldea village 3 of 58 antiguo/a ancient/old 4 of 58 el apartamento apartement 5 of 58 el barrio neighborhood 6 of 58 el bloque block 7 of 58 el campo country-side 8 of 58 la casa house 9 of 58 la casa adosada semi-detached house 10 of 58 en el centro de in the centre of 11 of 58 cerca de near 12 of 58 la cuidad the city 13 of 58 la costa the coast 14 of 58 la granja the farm 15 of 58 industrial industrial 16 of 58 lejos de far from 17 of 58 el lugar the place 18 of 58 moderno/a modern 19 of 58 la montaña the mountain 20 of 58 nacer to be born 21 of 58 pequeño/a small/little 22 of 58 el piso floor 23 of 58 el pueblo village/town 24 of 58 renovado/a renevated 25 of 58 el río river 26 of 58 situarse to be situated 27 of 58 tranquilo calm/peaceful 28 of 58 vivir to live 29 of 58 abierto/a open 30 of 58 amplio spacious 31 of 58 el apartamento apartment 32 of 58 el aseo toillet 33 of 58 atractivo/a attractive 34 of 58 la butaca armchair 35 of 58 la calefacción heating 36 of 58 la chimenea fireplace (chimney) 37 of 58 la cocina kitchen 38 of 58 el comedor dining room 39 of 58 cómodo/a comfortable 40 of 58 el despacho office 41 of 58 el dormitorio bedroom 42 of 58 la escalera stairs 43 of 58 estrecho/a narrow/tight 44 of 58 la fachada facade (front of building) 45 of 58 grande big/large 46 of 58 la habitación bedroom 47 of 58 el jardín garden 48 of 58 luminoso/a illuminated 49 of 58 los muebles furniture 50 of 58 oscuro/a dark/gloomy 51 of 58 el pasillo hall 52 of 58 la planta floor 53 of 58 la planta baja ground floor 54 of 58 el salón living room 55 of 58 solo/a only 56 of 58 la ventana window 57 of 58 la vista view 58 of 58
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