Sex is for having children, You must only have sex if you are in a loving relationship(rmarriage), Genesis 'go forth and multiply', Chasity is the right thing and that you must stay chased until marriage.
3 of 15
What is chasity?
Chasity is sexual purity, this is where you dont have sex until you get married.
4 of 15
What is the definition of 'Homosexuality'?
To be attracted to the same sex.
5 of 15
What is the definition of 'Hetrosexuality'?
To be attracted to the oposite sex.
6 of 15
What are the christian attituteds toward sex before marriage?(CofE)
Teaches that sex should take place whithin a loving marriage. But can happen if you are in a loving relationship and engaged.
7 of 15
What are the christian attituteds toward sex before marriage?(Roman Catholic)
Sexual intercourse should only ever take place within marriage. Sex is for having children. So sex outside marriage is wrong.
8 of 15
What are the christian views on chasity?
Staying chasied is good and shows restraint. Jesus was Celibate.
9 of 15
What are the christian views on adultry?
Sex outside marriage is a sin and should always be in marriage. Jesus and the 10 commandments say its wrong 'You shall not commit adultry.
10 of 15
What are the christian views on sex out side marriage?
Sex should be in marriageand used for making children. This shows immorality and weakness:not to be able to controle yourself. This is wrong.
11 of 15
'Christians should not have homosexual relationships' Agree.
God placed a man and a woman on the earth not two of the same sex. this is going against what god inteneded, 'Go forth and multiply.' this would not be achievable with homosexual relationships, 'A man lying with another man is a detestable thing.'
12 of 15
'Christians should not have homosexual relationships' Disagree.
God is the creator of everything therefore he must of created homosexuality also, C of E welcome gay and lesbian couples as equil members of the church, God loves all sorts of people the way they are.
13 of 15
Church of England homosexuaity views.
C of E encourages homosexual christians and welcomes them into the church. Believe that they are missunderstood.(Bible) therfore the gift of homo/hetrosexuality is a gift from God.
14 of 15
Roman Catholic Church homosexuaity views.
Homosexuality is a sin. 'Do not lie with a man as one does with a woman, that is detestable.' Gay and lesbian people are not sinful because of their attraction but the act of homosexuality sex is a sin.
15 of 15
Other cards in this set
Card 2
The legal age of sex.
What is the definition of 'Age of concent'?
Card 3
Sex is for having children, You must only have sex if you are in a loving relationship(rmarriage), Genesis 'go forth and multiply', Chasity is the right thing and that you must stay chased until marriage.
Card 4
Chasity is sexual purity, this is where you dont have sex until you get married.
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