
  • Created by: aylsfish
  • Created on: 02-06-19 13:04
Hormones Released by Anterior Pituitary
Luteinising Hormone (LH); Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH); Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH); Prolactin (PRL); Growth Hormone (GH); and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH).
1 of 7
Hormones Released by Posterior Pituitary
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) and Oxytocin (OXT)
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Hormones Released by the Pancreas
Endocrine cells release: Insulin (decreases blood glucose levels) and Glucagon (increases blood glucose levels); and exocrine cells release digestive enzymes
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Hormones Released by Adrenal Glands
Corticosteroids (influence gene activation and inactivation). Zona glomerulosa (outer) produces aldosterone; zona fasciculata (middle) produces cortisol; zona reticularis (inner) produces sex hormones. Medulla - adrenaline & noreadrenaline
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Hormones Released by Thyroid
Triiodothyromine (T3 bc 3 iodine) and calcitonin (parafollicular cells)
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Hormones Released by Parathyroid Glands
Chief cells - parathyroid hormone (regulates Ca conc); oxyphil cells - function not known.
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Hypothalamus and pituitary
1. Hypothalamus releases a hormone; 2. hypothalamus hormone stimulates pituitary; 3. pituitary releases hormone
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Card 2


Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) and Oxytocin (OXT)


Hormones Released by Posterior Pituitary

Card 3


Endocrine cells release: Insulin (decreases blood glucose levels) and Glucagon (increases blood glucose levels); and exocrine cells release digestive enzymes


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Card 4


Corticosteroids (influence gene activation and inactivation). Zona glomerulosa (outer) produces aldosterone; zona fasciculata (middle) produces cortisol; zona reticularis (inner) produces sex hormones. Medulla - adrenaline & noreadrenaline


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Card 5


Triiodothyromine (T3 bc 3 iodine) and calcitonin (parafollicular cells)


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