How does a business ensure that they get the best staff? 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesHow does a business ensure they get the best staff?Years 7-9 (KS3)All boards Created by: CheesybranflakesCreated on: 13-05-20 13:19 Definition of Retention Employees are happy to stay working at the same company, rather than leaving to find another job. 1 of 14 Definition of Recruitment The process of finding and appointing new employees. 2 of 14 Definition of Internal Recruitment When a job vacancy is filled from within the existing workforce 3 of 14 Definition of External Recruitment When a job vacancy is filled by any suitable person not already employed by the business. 4 of 14 Definition of Selection Choosing one employee out of a group of applicants. 5 of 14 Definition of Job Analysis A collection of information about what a job is going to be. 6 of 14 Key Elements of a Job Description Purpose of the job, main responsibilities and tasks, who the job reports to, salary, location, skills and competencies. 7 of 14 Key Elements of a Person Specification Personal qualities, qualifications, experience, skills and abilities. 8 of 14 Definition of Curriculum Vitae It is a document including skills, experience, qualifications and hobbies of the applicant. 9 of 14 Definition of Shortlist A smaller group of applicants a company is interested in taken from all the applicants. 10 of 14 Definition of Interview A formal meeting between an employer and a potential employee to see if they are suitable for a job. 11 of 14 Definition of Legislation A law. 12 of 14 Definition of National Living Wage Businesses have to pay staff a minimum wage according to their age. 13 of 14 Definition of Discrimination Being treated differently based on characteristics such as: age, race or gender. 14 of 14
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