How William the Conqueror Controls England 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryWilliam the conqueror and the norman conquestOtherNone Created by: anuja.shanbhagCreated on: 02-06-16 20:03 William the conqueror After winning Batlle of Hastings William/Guilliame of normandy is crowned king of england. 1 of 5 The harrying of the north William destroys crops and villages in the north to keep things under control, the people of the north eventually starve. 2 of 5 Castles William built castles for control|; could see everyone from the keep. 3 of 5 Feudal system. The feudal system helped to organise people and taxes and rents. King came first, then the Barons, the the Knights and last the pheasants. 4 of 5 The domesday book. so william knows everything about his people he sent his loyal ones to note down everythinng about what every individual's property. 5 of 5
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