How important was the Verres trial for Cicero in 70BC? 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Classical CivilizationCiceroASAQA Created by: Matthew CoxCreated on: 20-01-14 20:37 How did the trial help his career advancement? he had proved his eloquences and people wanted him on their side when proposing legislation. 1 of 8 What did Cicero get *directly* as a result of beating Verres? The benefits of his praetorian rank, e.g. priority when making speeches in the Senate. 2 of 8 What did Cicero's unusual trial format show about him? That he could adapt and was versatile, without compromising his principles. 3 of 8 What did the fact that he was prosecuting on behalf of the Silicians show? That Cicero was honest and would keep promises. Standing up for the small guy - Concordia Ordinum. 4 of 8 What did beating Hortensius mean for Cicero? He became the best advocate in Rome. 5 of 8 In what way did Cicero use the trial for the purposes of self-promotion? He self-published all of the Verrines speeches. 6 of 8 What did the nature of his case show the people of Rome and how was that beneficial? That he wanted transparency in government and this improved his electoral prospects. 7 of 8 What was Cicero labelled as as a result of the trial? Defender of the Republic. 8 of 8
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