How Our Bodies Defend Themselves Against Infectious Diseases Unit 1 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ScienceInfectious diseasesGCSEAQA Created by: ZacharyCreated on: 20-03-13 09:14 Microorganisms that cause infectious disease are called? Pathogens 1 of 6 Bacteria and Viruses that reproduce inside the body may produce poisons called? Toxins 2 of 6 How do White Blood Cells defend against Pathogens By ingesting pathogens or producing antibodies or by producing antitoxins 3 of 6 Who recognised the importance of washing hands to prevent spreading infectious diseses Ignaz Semmelweis 4 of 6 What medicines help RELIEVE the symptoms infectious disease but do not kill them? Painkillers 5 of 6 What medicines help cure bacterial disease by KILLING infectious bacteria inside the body Penicillin Or Antibiotics 6 of 6
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