H+S 5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Health & Social CareHuman Lifespan and DevelopmentBTEC NationalEdexcel Created by: JBoddCreated on: 09-05-19 15:05 An increase in quantities such as height or weight growth 1 of 11 Complex changes including skills, abilities and capabilities development 2 of 11 This decides what you are born with nature 3 of 11 This changes due to environment nurture 4 of 11 Who created ascmi bowlby 5 of 11 Cognitive development theorist piaget 6 of 11 Who did the bobo doll experiment bandora 7 of 11 Who did the strange situation experiment ainsworth 8 of 11 Who created the maturation theory? gaselle 9 of 11 Who created LAD chomsky 10 of 11 Who criticized piaget bruner 11 of 11
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