HSC 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareHuman Lifespan and DevelopmentBTEC NationalEdexcel Created by: nokerCreated on: 06-06-19 08:21 0-2 years Birth to Infancy 1 of 16 3-8 Early Childhood 2 of 16 9-18 Adolescence 3 of 16 19-45 Early Adulthood 4 of 16 46-65 Middle Adulthood 5 of 16 65 + Later Adulthood 6 of 16 PIES Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social 7 of 16 Physical Development Growth patterns which change throughout life. 8 of 16 Intellectual Developing thinking skillls 9 of 16 Emotional Development Coping with feelings 10 of 16 Growth Body Size and Weight 11 of 16 Development Such as riding a bike 12 of 16 What is Health Being fit and well, in a good state of Physical and mentally 13 of 16 Economic Factors Money, wealth and material possession 14 of 16 Social Factors Race, religion, family history 15 of 16 Enviromental Factors Where you live, grow up 16 of 16
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