1) Work pressure/Job insecurity 2) Anxiety about friends/family 3) Hostility from others 4) Time pressure
1 of 16
How does exercise control stress?
1) Improves sleeping pattern as exercise leads to fatigue meaning relaxation is the result 2) BP is reduced, and indigestion is prevented 3) Concentration span and decision making is improved (keeps the brain healthy) 4) anxiety is lowered
2 of 16
How does exercise raise self-esteem?
1) Exercise stimulates secretion of hormones (such as neurotransmitters - endorphins and encephalins) 2) Neurotransmitters create 'feel good' factor - masks pain of exercise to feel good 3) Weight loss will raise self-esteem too.
3 of 16
How does exercise combat ageing?
1) Max heart rate maintained 2) elasticity of arteries maintained 3) BP reduced - meaning risk of thrombosis forming is reduced 4) muscle & fibre loss reduced - reduces risk of osteoporosis 5) slows loss of body system 6) decreased cholesterol levels
4 of 16
Three diseases that can occur with ageing that can be combatted by exercise
Atherosclerosis (Plaque in arteries broken down), Osteoporosis (bone density maintained), Thrombosis (blood doesn't clot as easily)
5 of 16
Less food in =
more energy out (weight loss occurs)
6 of 16
Food in =
energy out (weight is maintained)
7 of 16
More food in =
less energy out (weight gain)
8 of 16
Exercise suppresses appetite as...
it temporarily reduces and slows digestion.
9 of 16
During exercise, the blood supply is...
directed towards the skeletal muscles rather than being used to digest food
10 of 16
Variety in diet is good because...
1) makes it more appealing 2) No deficiency or excess of important dietary needs.
11 of 16
Effects of FAT deficiency
Lack energy
12 of 16
Effects of FAT excess
CHD, and obesity
13 of 16
Effects of CARBS deficiency
Lack energy
14 of 16
Effects of CARBS excess
15 of 16
Name the social benefits of exercise
1) meet new people with similar interests 2) membership of team - sense of belonging and achievement, social contact, support and approval 3) raises self esteem and self confidence 4) shared interests make relationships more enjoyable.
16 of 16
Other cards in this set
Card 2
1) Improves sleeping pattern as exercise leads to fatigue meaning relaxation is the result 2) BP is reduced, and indigestion is prevented 3) Concentration span and decision making is improved (keeps the brain healthy) 4) anxiety is lowered
How does exercise control stress?
Card 3
1) Exercise stimulates secretion of hormones (such as neurotransmitters - endorphins and encephalins) 2) Neurotransmitters create 'feel good' factor - masks pain of exercise to feel good 3) Weight loss will raise self-esteem too.
Card 4
1) Max heart rate maintained 2) elasticity of arteries maintained 3) BP reduced - meaning risk of thrombosis forming is reduced 4) muscle & fibre loss reduced - reduces risk of osteoporosis 5) slows loss of body system 6) decreased cholesterol levels
Card 5
Atherosclerosis (Plaque in arteries broken down), Osteoporosis (bone density maintained), Thrombosis (blood doesn't clot as easily)
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