GCSE Health and Social Care 2.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Health & Social CareHuman Growth and DevelopmentLife stagesLife eventsP.I.E.SGCSEAQA Created by: Jessiee_GCreated on: 29-04-16 12:01 What is human growth? The physical changes someone goes through, such as change in height, mass, etc. 1 of 25 What is human development? The intellectual changes someone goes through, such as learning new skills, hand-eye coordination, etc. 2 of 25 What are fine-motor skills? Skills that include small muscle movements, such as using the finger and thumb to draw, write, etc. 3 of 25 What are gross-motor skills? Skills that include large muscle movements, such as walking, running, etc. 4 of 25 What does P.I.E.S stand for? Physical. Intellectual. Emotional. Social 5 of 25 What is the age range for someone in Infancy? 0-2 6 of 25 What is the age range for someone in Early Childhood? 3-8 7 of 25 What is the age range for someone in Adolescence? 9-18 8 of 25 What is the age range for someone in Early Adulthood? 19-45 9 of 25 What is the age range for someone in Middle Adulthood? 46-65 10 of 25 What is the age range for someone in Later Adulthood? 65+ 11 of 25 At what life stage is someone more likely to start their menstrual cycle? Adolescence 12 of 25 At what life stage is someone more likely to start running? Early Childhood 13 of 25 At what life stage is someone more likely to get their milk teeth? Infancy 14 of 25 At what life stage is someone more likely to suffer bereavement? Later Adulthood 15 of 25 At what life stage is someone more likely to get married? Early Adulthood 16 of 25 At what life stage is someone more likely to experience menopause? Middle Adulthood 17 of 25 What is an expected life event? A life event that is planned for it to happen in the future; this could include going to school, getting married, etc. 18 of 25 What is an unexpected life event? A life event that isn't planned and is unanticipated; this could include losing a job, getting a divorce, etc. 19 of 25 Name a physical factor that can affect someone's growth and development Diet, Exercise, Illness/disease, Genetic inheritance 20 of 25 Name a social and emotional factor that can affect someone's growth and development Gender, Family, Friends, Education, Employment, Life experiences 21 of 25 Name an ecomic factor that can affect someone's growth and development Income, Material possessions, Debt 22 of 25 Name an enviromental factor that can affect someone's growth and development Housing, Pollution, Local area, Access to health and welfare services 23 of 25 What does rural mean? In the countryside, such as small villages or farms with lots of free space and fresh air. 24 of 25 What does urban mean? In highly populated areas, such as large cities or towns with little space and various types of polution. 25 of 25