human lifespan development
4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
- Created by: KateVickery1
- Created on: 06-01-20 19:08
give the definition of development?
development describes the aquisition of skills and abilities through the life stages.
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define physical development?
growth and other physical changes that happen to our body throughout life.
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define intellectual development?
the development of language, memory and thinking skills.
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define emotional development?
the ability to cope with feelings about ourselves and towards others.
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define social development?
the ability to form friendships and to learn to be independent.
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give a development milestone for a 0-3 month old child?
can use gargling and crying to communicate.
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give a development milestone for a 18 month old child?
can say 6-10 words.
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give a development milestone for a 2 year old child?
can link words together.
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give a development milestone for a 3 year old child?
can use simple sentences.
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give a development milestone for a 8 year old child?
can reason and explain.
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define gross motor skills?
allow children to control the large muscles in their torso, arms, legs, hands and feet.
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how do infants develop their gross motor skills?
from the head down
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give 6 examples of gross motor skills?
walking, running, climbing, kicking, jumping and skipping.
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define gross motor skills?
are important for controlling and coordinating the movement of the small muscles in the fingers and hands.
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give an example of a fine motor skill for a newborn?
grasp an adult's finger.
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give an example of a fine motor skill for a 18 month old?
using building blocks, use a spoon and hold crayons using the palmer grasp.
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give an example of a fine motor skill for a 4 year?
thread small beads, colour in pictures.
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what is the age range for adolescence?
9-18 years
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give 3 primary sexual characteristics for a female?
menstruation begins, uterus &vagina enlarges, ovulation occurs.
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give 4 secondary sexual characteristics for a female?
growth of armpit & pubic hair, increased layers of fat under skin, breasts enlarge, hips widen.
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give 3 primary sexual characteristics for a male?
penis enlarges, prostrate glands produce secretions, testes enlarge & produce sperm.
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give 4 secondary sexual characteristics for a male?
facial hair growth, growth of armpit & pubic hair, increased muscle, larynx (voice box) grows causing the voice to deepen.
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give the age range for infancy?
0-2 years
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give the age range for early childhood?
3-8 years
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give the age range for adolescence?
9-18 years
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give the age range for early adulthood?
19-45 years
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give the age range for middle adulthood?
46-65 years
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give the age range for later adulthood/
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what is maturation?
individuals reach physical maturity in early adulthood.
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give some examples of what happens at maturation?
physical strength & stamina are at its peak. motor coordination is at its peak. full height is reached. sexual characteristics are fully developed. reaction time is at its quickest. hand-eye coordination is at its peak. women are most fertile.
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when does perimenopause range from in women?
40-45 years old.
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give the definition of menopause?
reduction in oestrogen, resulting in the end of their fertile period.
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give some physical and emotional symptoms of the menopause?
hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, loss of libido (sex drive), vaginal dryness.
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give 3 things that happen during perimenopause?
oestrogen decreases, ovulation is irregular, menstruation becomes less frequent.
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give examples of ageing (middle adulthood)?
graying hair. loss of muscle tone, strength & stamina. increase/ loss of weight. women are no longer fertile. loss of height.
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what is the definition of menopause?
natural physiological change happening over several years with the gradual ending of menstruation.
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what does the reduction of oestrogen cause?
overies stop producing eggs, thinning & shrinking of the vagina. affects the hypothalamus in the brain (regulates temperature) causing hot flushes & night sweats.mood swings.
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what does the reduction of oestrogen and progesterone cause?
gradually stops menstruation, impacts libido (sex drive).
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give 6 effects of ageing?
decline in strength & performance in organs, less elasticity in the skin, reduction in hearing and vision. less mobility in the small and large muscles. thinning of hair. higher susceptibility to infection and disease.
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what causes height loss?
caused by changes in posture and compression of the spinal discs and joints.
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what happens to your intellectual ability in later adulthood?
negatively impacts how you process information, for example; memory, speed of thinking & recall of information.
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what is problem solving needed for?
needed to work things out/ make predictions.
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what is language development needed for?
essential to organise & express thoughts.
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what is memory needed for in intellectual development?
storing and recalling information.
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what is moral development needed for?
reasoning & making choices to you and others.
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what is sensorimotor in Piaget's cognitive development theory?
birth-2 years. uses senses to physically explore the world.
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what is pre-operational in Piaget's cognitive development theory?
2-7 years. pretend play, drawings, symbolic behaviour, don't think logically.
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what is concrete operations in Piaget's cognitive development theory?
7-11 years. use practical resources to understand, counters, catorgrise things.
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what is formal operations in Piaget's cognitive development theory?
11-18 years. capacity for abstract thoughts, rational thought, problem solving.
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what is Piaget's schematic development theory?
assimilation= contructs an understanding/ concept (schema) __ equilibrium= experience fits with schema __ disequilibrium= new experience disturbs schema __ accommodation= schema changes for new experience ((then goes back to the start))
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what does conservation refer to?
refers to children's understanding that things stay the same even if the shape has changed.
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give the test Piaget did to test for reasoning and logical thinking?
the water beaker test - child is 4. there are 2 identical beaker with water in each. water from 1 is poured into a tall narrow beaker. child thinks the tall narrow beaker contains more water
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
define physical development?
growth and other physical changes that happen to our body throughout life.
Card 3
define intellectual development?
Card 4
define emotional development?
Card 5
define social development?
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