human resources 0.0 / 5 ? Business Studieshuman resourcesGCSEAQA Created by: bertie321Created on: 19-02-22 16:47 what do organisation structures do they organise people 1 of 18 what is a tall hierarchical structure there is a long chain of command with more layers of management 2 of 18 what is a flat hierarchical structure there is a short chain of command with less layers of management 3 of 18 what is a centralised organisation it is where all major decisions are made by one person 4 of 18 what is a decentralised organisation it is where all major decisions are made by multiple people 5 of 18 what structure world a small business have a flat and decentralised structure 6 of 18 what three things can a business be organised by a function, a product and by a region 7 of 18 what is the contract of employment it is a legal agreement between an employee and the employer 8 of 18 what types of contract can an employee have park-time, full time, shared and a zero hour contract 9 of 18 what is a job desription it is the main puroses of the job 10 of 18 what is a person specification lists of quaifications, exspirence, skills and attitudes needed for the job 11 of 18 what are the two ways a company can recruit people internally or externally 12 of 18 what is a traditional selection method interviews 13 of 18 what are the three types of training induction, off the job and on the job 14 of 18 what are movtivted staff more productive 15 of 18 what is financial motivation the more they get paid the more they are motivated 16 of 18 what are the 4 types of management styles authoritarian, paternalistic, democratic and Laissez-faire 17 of 18 what is a fringe benefit it is an extra little perk 18 of 18
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