Humanities 0.0 / 5 ? HumanitiesHumanitiesGCSENone Created by: PoggyCreated on: 01-05-16 11:12 Who was the founder of Islam? A man called Muhammad 1 of 17 When was Muhammad born? Around 570AD 2 of 17 What and when was the important event in Muhammads life? The Night of Power, around 610AD. Muhammad went to a cave to fast and reflect on the changes that were happening in Mecca. 3 of 17 What happened to Muhammad in the Cave? He had visions of Gabriel who asked him to say certain words. 4 of 17 What did Muhammad do with the words. He began writing the words of the angel down and these became the Muslim holy book, the Qur'an. 5 of 17 What are the Five Pillars The Key beliefs of Muslims, which are Shahadah, Salah, Zakah, Sawm and Hajj 6 of 17 What is Shahadah The statement of failth (the belief in Allah 7 of 17 What is Salah Pray five times a day 8 of 17 What is Zakah Give to charity. Every Muslim give 2.5% of their extra money to Zakah. Once per year to help the poor 9 of 17 What is Sawm The pillar about fasting. Muslims fast, they do not eat or drink anything. This happens during Ramadan. Its to have sympathy for people suffering. 10 of 17 What is Hajj A journey to Mecca. Hajj shows that everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah. Everyone wears the same clothes and does the same things. 11 of 17 What is the Hijab. It is a veil that covers the head of a female muslim. 12 of 17 What is a niqab It covers the face of a female 13 of 17 What is a burqa It covers the whole body of a female. 14 of 17 What do muslim men wear? A turban either white or green and a long robe. 15 of 17 Why do men wear a robe? It symbolises nobility, honour and respect. 16 of 17 What is a thawb? Its is an ankle length robe usually with long sleeves. 17 of 17
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