Hydrological cycle 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyRiver EnvironmentsIGCSEEdexcel Created by: Microbot561Created on: 24-02-17 19:38 Water exists as water vapour in this store atmosphere 1 of 7 Water is stored in rivers, lakes and reservoirs (etc.) land 2 of 7 Water is stored below ground in soil or bedrock groundwater store 3 of 7 Over 95% of water is stored here sea 4 of 7 Most of the precipitation that hits the ground moves under the influence of gravity and eventually enters a stream overland flow 5 of 7 Takes place between the ground surface and the top of the store in the soil throughflow 6 of 7 Plants take up water and 'breathe' it into the atmosphere Transpiration 7 of 7
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