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6. Water in the saturated zone beneath the land surface (in soils and bedrock) which is temporally variable is:
- Interception
- River
- Groundwater
- SoilWater
7. Gaining streams:
- Have a high water table
- All of the above
- Have a shallow unsaturated zone
- Groundwater feeds river
8. When precipitation>infilitration (typical of dry areas, frozen grounds, compacted groups [footpaths]) this is known as:
- Infilitration excess
- Saturation excess
9. Saturation excess occurs when...
- Infiltration>Pore space
- Precipitation>Infiltration
10. Which is the slowest?
- Flow through pipes
- Matrix flow
- Flow through macropores
11. Streams continuously exchange water, nutrients, organic matter, and organisms with underlying groundwater
12. The hyporheic zone is..
- Home to higher biodiversity
- All of above
- A and C
- Where Groundwater and channel water mix
- Heterogeneous
13. If you put a well into the hyporheic zone and the height of water is greater than outside the well...
- not upwelling. Streamwater is seeping into sediments.
- A and C
- Groundwater is upwelling into stream
- The streamwater is gaining
- All of above
14. Stream discharge is the...
- The rate at which water moves from the source of the river to the mouth of the river
- Rate at which a volume of water passes through a cross sectional area per unit time
- Rate at which sediment is entrained per unit time
15. The velocity area method to measure river flow is Q= A(cross-sectional area) x v (average velocity)
16. If the mean stream velocity is at 0.6x depth, and the depth of a channel is 0.7m, what distance is the mean velocity from the surface?
17. Q= (w1xd1xv1) + (w2xd2xv2) +... (channels don't have rectangular shape)
18. A V-notch weir is used widely to measure discharge from large streams
19. For a V-notch weir... Q (river discharge)=1.342xH(eight of water behind notch)^2.48
20. What does the H in the v-notch weir equation stand for
- Height of water behind notch
- Helicoidal flow
- Velocity of stream
- River discharge
- Wetted perimeter