ict 0.0 / 5 ? ICTdatabse systemsA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: gabi kazlauskaiteCreated on: 25-04-18 08:26 what is a record all the data about the person or thing, made up of fields 1 of 19 what is a field single piece of data about a thing or person. many fields makes up a record 2 of 19 what is a primary key a field within a database thatg enables a record to be uniquely identified 3 of 19 what is a foreign key a field in one table which is also the primary key of another table, used to estalish links 4 of 19 what is an entity a object of rhe real world that can be related to an ict system 5 of 19 what is an attribute a single item of which represents a fact about an enitity 6 of 19 what is a relationship the way in which entities and attirbutes are linked together 7 of 19 what is data redudancy the unecessary duplication of data 8 of 19 what is data intregreity the correctness and acuracy of data 9 of 19 what is data consistancy the realtionship between data inut, data processing and data output and anyh other related data 10 of 19 what is data independence when the data and applicartio used to store it are seperate so you can change the dataand the application will remain the same 11 of 19 what is data normalisation a staged mathematical process which removes groups of repeated data and inconsistancies 12 of 19 Name some of the features of a flat file database very simple to set up. can be set up usin g a spreadsheet or database software. simple storage syste tgat consists of only one table 13 of 19 name some of the features of a realtional database groups of tables linked together by primary and forign keys. hieracy of passwords. access rights. redundancy. 14 of 19 what is data mining interrogating te data to find patterns in the data stored in the warehouse 15 of 19 what is data warehousing a large collection of archived data used for decision making 16 of 19 what is distrubuted database a singlem, logical databse whose parts are physcially located in more than one place. each location is accesible across a network 17 of 19 advantages of distributed database faster response to user queries. easy to bnackup and copy from one server to another. not dependent on one central pool of data. 18 of 19 disadvanatges of distributed database increased costs due to expensive communication lines. heavy reliant o communicatons and networks. more risk to hackers the more data is transfered 19 of 19
AQA ICT INFO 3 - Chief Information Officer (In Relation to Prelim Material Jan 2013 ) 3.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings
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