ICT Revision 2.1.6 0.0 / 5 ? ComputingThe InternetGCSEWJEC Created by: williamsa16Created on: 05-10-22 14:31 Autonomous Cars Autonomous cars are known as driverless cars. They can make their own decisions without a human. 1 of 15 VR Real-life simulation. Explore places you've never been. Health and safety concerns. 2 of 15 AR Overlay of the things around you e.g. filters, home design. 3 of 15 Internet of Things SMART heating, fridge, speakers, security devices, washing machine. Saves the price of energy, better security. Can hack. 4 of 15 Artificial Intelligence. Ability of a machine to think or act as a human. Can work 24/7. Lose control and risk of safety, 5 of 15 Machine Learning Computer systems follow pre-programmed rules. Learn things like a human. Can be used at any time, Chance of error. 6 of 15 Industrial Robots Performs specific tasks e.g. spraying a car. Can work 24/7, more accurate than humans. Lead humans to lose their jobs, restricted to what they can do. 7 of 15 Autonomous Robots Have the ability to make their own decisions. e.g. open the boot to put a car tire in. They don't complain. 8 of 15 Alan Turing Turing Test - Tests for Artifcial Intelligance 9 of 15 Grace Hopper COLBOL. Created the first programming language. 10 of 15 Steve Jobs Created the microchip in apple, CEO of Apple. 11 of 15 Tim Burners-Lee World Wide Web 12 of 15 James Gosling Created JAVA 13 of 15 Charles Babbage Difference engine, first calculator to 8 decimals. 14 of 15 Ada Lovelace First Computer programmer, analytical engine. 15 of 15
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