ICT topic 5 security policies
- Created by: hannah5176
- Created on: 16-05-16 14:32
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2. Most companies will have to cope with a situation that will cause the loss of hardware, software, data or communication services. This loss can be caused by;
- Burnt building
- Phising
- Hardware failure
- Hacking
3. Peer To Peer
- A small network where each computer has the same status, processing is local on a single PC, resources are shared.
- Preferred choice for large networks. All computers are not the same status. Usually a more powerful computer is used as the central computer.
4. There are 6 factors which influence the choice of a network, which one is included ?
- Size of Organisation
- Size of Storage
- SIze of Company
- Size of Network
- Size of Database
5. Definition of User Accounts
- Allows the manager of the system to manage user accounts by ISSUE ofaccess levels to users
- Does not allows the manager of the system to manage user accounts by ISSUEof access levels to users
- Allows the manager of the system to manage user accounts by ALLOCATING of access levels to users
- Does not allows the manager of the system to manage user accounts by ALLOCATING of access levels to users
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