ICT Key words 0.0 / 5 ? ICTKey words for all topicsGCSEEdexcel Created by: Loz215Created on: 28-03-15 17:12 Instructions The steps a computer follows to complete a task 1 of 16 Program The instructions given to a computer to complete a specific process 2 of 16 General Purpose Computer These are computers that run a wide cariety of programs, which make them do different things. 3 of 16 Personal Computer It is a general purpose computer and comes in a variety of forms such as a PDA 4 of 16 WiFi a system for connecting electronic equipment such as computers and electronic organizers to the internet without using wires 5 of 16 Webcam a camera that records moving pictures and sound and allows these to be broadcast on the internet as they happen 6 of 16 Standards A level of quality. 7 of 16 Smart Phone It is a device that's mainly concerned with phone functions but also has email,internet and others. 8 of 16 System It is a collection of parts that work together for a particular purpose. 9 of 16 Dedicated Computer A computer designed to just work in one particular situation. 10 of 16 Embedded System Most modern electronic devices have computer systems inside them that control them 11 of 16 Processor the part of a computer that performs operations on the information that is put into it 12 of 16 RAM Random Access Memory. Stores data in bits in the form of binary digits. 13 of 16 Control Unit This is part of the processor that runs programs and directs operations. 14 of 16 Arithmetic Logic Unit This is where the processor carries out calculations and comparisons. 15 of 16 ROM Stands for Read Only Memory. 16 of 16
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