Ideologies - Conservatism

  • Created by: Jenayyyxx
  • Created on: 06-06-23 19:42
What are conservatives main ideas and principles?
1. Pragmatism
2. Tradition
3. Human Imperfections
4. Organic State/Society
5. Paternalism
6. Libertarianism
7. Private Property
1 of 8
Explain the conservative belief of pragmatism
Conservatives adopt a flexible approach to making decisions based on what works and what society needs. Pragmatism rejects the idea of ideology. They are practical rather than ideological.

"To be a conservative is to prefer the tried to the untried" - Mi
2 of 8
Explain the conservative belief of tradition
Conservatives want to conserve tradition. They believe if something has withstood the test of time it is good, e.g. the royal family, and there is no reason to abolish it. They believe in nuclear families and religion (Christianity). They believe politics
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Explain the conservative belief of human nature
Conservatives believe the humans are naturally morally corrupt, psychologically flawed and irrational. That's why they believe in a large state - we need protection from ourselves and others. They do not believe our human nature can be fixed or corrected.
4 of 8
Explain the conservative belief of an organic state/society.
Conservatives see the state as an organism that adapts to meet the needs of it members, they believe society developed naturally overtime. For example, institutions such as the police were developed to create law and order and protect us. They believe soc
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Explain the conservative belief of paternalism
Conservatives believe in 'noblesse oblige' (the obligation of the nobility). Basically, the wealthy should be responsible for providing for the less fortunate. Conservatives believe in philanthropy but they do not want to create equality; they want to pro
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Explain the conservative belief of libertarianism
Liberty should take priority over any other feature (authority, tradition, equality). Maximise individual freedom and minimise public authority. This can be done through the promotion of individual rights, laissez-faire economics, and a minimal state.

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Explain what conservatives think of private property
Conservatives believe that and individual is more likely to respect their own property and others' compared to the hand of the state. They also believe private property provides us with a sense of security and offers us psychological and physical protecti
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Explain the conservative belief of pragmatism


Conservatives adopt a flexible approach to making decisions based on what works and what society needs. Pragmatism rejects the idea of ideology. They are practical rather than ideological.

"To be a conservative is to prefer the tried to the untried" - Mi

Card 3


Explain the conservative belief of tradition


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain the conservative belief of human nature


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Explain the conservative belief of an organic state/society.


Preview of the front of card 5
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