Recognition, detects between self and non self. Activation, Cells fight invader, Effector, destruction of invader
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What are the features of the innate response?
Acts rapid, non specific
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What are the features of the adaptive response?
Slow, but effects last longer
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Examples of first line innate response?
Skin, Mucus, Lysozymes, Defensins, Interferons
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Examples of second line innate response?
Inflammation, phagocytosis, natural killer cells.
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What makes up plasma?
RBC WBC Platelettes
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Function of lymph nodes?
Contain lymphocytes which initiates immune response
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Where do WBC originate from?
Bone marrow stem cells.
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What does a B cell do?
Forms antibody producers and memory cells.
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What does a T Cell do?
Kills virus infected cells and tumours, regulates activity of other WBC.
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Main immune system proteins?
Antibodies. MHC, T cell receptors, Cytokines.
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What does a lysozyme do?
Attack bacterial cell wall causing them to lyse.
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What do defensins do?
Pepties in which make pathogen membrane permeable to kill them.
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What are the non self molecules?
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What is a compliment protein?
Network of more than 20 proteins which activate each other in a cascade fashion. The proteins attach to surface of microbe to help phagocytes recognise and destroy.
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What response does compliment protein activate?
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What are the functions and features of interferons?
Signalling protein that increase resistance of neighbouring cells.
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How do interferons work?
Bind to receptors on membrane uninfected cells inhibiting viral reproduction. Will also hydrolyse pathogen into peptides
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What do natural killer cells do?
Dectected infected cells and initiate apoptosis
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What do dendritic cells do?
Endocytose microbes, viruses signals activation of adaptive response.
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How does inflammation work?
Isolates and stops spread or damage mast cells adhere to skin and lining to release chemical signals
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What are the steps of humoral response (B cells)
B cell makes receptor on surface. When activated by antigen will secrete antibodies.
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How do T cells work.
Respond to MHC proteins displaying antigen, they bind to antigens presented by MHG proteins.
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