Immunology- Immunodeficiency 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? BiologyUniversityEdexcel Created by: RuthCreated on: 08-02-13 13:50 How does somone become immuncompromised? Through an immune deficiency 1 of 16 What type of deficiency are bacterial infections consistent with? B lymphocyte and antibody 2 of 16 What type of deficiency are viral infections consistent with? T cell deficiency 3 of 16 What other infections are consistent with T cell deficiency? Fungal, intracellular bacterial 4 of 16 What are the two categories of immune deficiency? Primary and secondary 5 of 16 Name some primary immunedeficiencies Di Georges, SCID, CHronic garanulomatous disease, X linked IPEX, X linked Hyper IgM syndrome, selective IgA deficiency 6 of 16 What is chronic granulomatous disease? Failure to kill pathogens ingested by phagocytes 7 of 16 What is the gene? Gene for NADPH oxidase 8 of 16 What is Di george syndrome? UNdeveloped/missing thymus 9 of 16 X linked hyper IgM syndrome Mutation in CD40L or NEMO leads to no class switching and therefore no secondary antibody response 10 of 16 X linked IPEX Defective Foxp3 which is a transcription factor inTtreg. This is an immundeficiency dependent autoimmune disease 11 of 16 WHat is SCID? Severe combined immune deficiency, effects B and T cells so they have no response to ILs. 12 of 16 WHat are the genes in SCID? Mainly Jak3 or gamma c. 13 of 16 WHat is leukocyte adhesiondeficiency caused by? beta2 integrin defect 14 of 16 What are some of the common causes of secondrary immune deficiency? Malnutrition, cytotoxic drugs and radiation, diabetes, infections, tumours 15 of 16 What are the common treatments for immunedeficiency? Antibiotics, gammagoulins for antibody deficiency, cell replacement and gene therapy 16 of 16
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