Impact of the localism bill
- Created by: LivBarnes
- Created on: 20-02-17 14:25
Other questions in this quiz
2. The localism operates where?
- Mainly England
- England, Wales and Scotland
- The UK
- England and Wales
3. Impacts of the new bill?
- 60% of local people must agree on the same view point for it to be considered local opinion
- Developer is required to produc a document that everyone can understand, known as a non-technical statement. It must give an environmental assesment.
- It takes much longer for the planning process
4. Planning officers must what?
- Leave at least 6 months before acting on the proposal
- Agree to the plan, give people time to look at it or give them time to comment. take ssteps in favour or against
- Add up all the for and against arguements and decide by quantity
5. Who is taking action to give local communities new rights?
- The deport for communities and local governments (DCLG)
- Regional development authorities (RDA's)
- Local enterprise partnerhips (LEP's)
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