impacts of great depression

  • Created by: suzy
  • Created on: 10-04-13 13:29
name 3 social impacts
camps for homeless appeared, crime increased, people relied on soup kitchens
1 of 5
name 5 economic impacts
widespread poverty, unemployment rose to 6 million, taxes fell and benefits were cut, 50% of germans 16-30 unemployed, 60% graduates umemployed
2 of 5
name 6 political impacts
support for traditional parties fell, people looked to extremist parties, people blamed democratic system for problems, hindenburg ruled by presidential decree,more people voted nazi/communist, people feared communism
3 of 5
name 4 other factors that led to the nazis taking power
changes to the nazi party in the 20s, weakness of weimar response, hitlers election campaign, nazi policies
4 of 5
why did the chancellor begin to rule by presidential decree?
because the social democrats withdrew from the coalition
5 of 5

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Card 2


name 5 economic impacts


widespread poverty, unemployment rose to 6 million, taxes fell and benefits were cut, 50% of germans 16-30 unemployed, 60% graduates umemployed

Card 3


name 6 political impacts


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Card 4


name 4 other factors that led to the nazis taking power


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Card 5


why did the chancellor begin to rule by presidential decree?


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