Important Dates - Germany 1918-1929 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryWWII and Nazi Germany 1939-1945GCSEOCR Created by: RosalindCreated on: 09-03-14 13:43 11th November 1918 Armistice signed 1 of 14 Kaiser abdicates 9th November 1919 2 of 14 Jan 1919 Elections take place 3 of 14 Jan 1919 Ebert's socialist party voted into power 4 of 14 March 1920 Dr Wolfgang Kapp led 5000 freikorps into Berlin into an open putsch 5 of 14 1922 Germany did not pay reparations 6 of 14 1923 French invaded the Ruhr 7 of 14 1923 Munich Putsch 8 of 14 1923 Stresemann becomes chancellor 9 of 14 1924 Dawes Plan - reparations spread over a longer period of time and 800 million marks in loans from USA 10 of 14 1928 Germany is second greatest power again 11 of 14 1929 Youngs Plan - decreases the amount of reparations 12 of 14 1925 Locarno treaties were signed 13 of 14 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact 14 of 14
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