Using improved techniques when interviewing witnesses: cognitive interview
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What are the four main techniques used in cognitive interview?
Report everything, Reinstate the context, Reverse the order, Change perspective
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What is meant by reporting everything?
Witnesses are encouraged to include every detail no matter how irrelavent it may be
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What is meant by reinstating the context?
It is related to context-dependent forgetting. The witness should return to original crime scene in their mind and imagine the environment
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What is meant by reversing the order?
Events should be recalled in a different chronological order to original sequence. This prevents people reporting their expectations of the situation and dishonesty
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What is meant by changing perspective?
Witnesses should recall the incident from other people's perspectives. This is to disrupt the effect schema on recall
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What is the enhanced cognitive interview?
Additional elements of the cognitive interview were added to focus on social dynamics of the interaction.
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What does the enhanced cognitive interview reduce?
Eyewitness anxiety, minimising distractions, getting the witness to speak slowly and asking open-ended questions
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What is the issue of cognitive interview that isn't a problem with standard police interview?
Cognitive interview is time consuming. Which would mean its unlikely to be used properly which may explain why police haven't been impressed by it because its ineffective
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Which elements of cognitive interview may be more valuable than others?
Combination of report everything and context reinstatement produced better recall than any other conditions. This is a strength because full CI isnt necessarily needed
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What support is there for the effectiveness of enhanced cognitive interview?
Meta-analysis combined data from 50 studies. Findings showed that ECI produced more correct reposnses than a standard interview
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Is CI the same every time or varied?
Cognitive intevriew is varied both in studies and real-life as police evolve their own methods
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What evidence is there to show that CI creates an increase in inaccurate information?
Psychologist found 81% increase of correct information but a 61% increase of incorrect information when CI was compared to the standard interview
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the four main techniques used in cognitive interview?
Report everything, Reinstate the context, Reverse the order, Change perspective
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