1960's demolition of huge areas of terraces. Completely new buildings erected, often tower blocks.
1 of 7
To use existing buildings but improve them in some way.
2 of 7
Green Belt
Created in the 1950's when urban growth threatened the countryside. Areas of land around cities were protected from development.
3 of 7
Growth of residential areas and light industry at edge of cities. New housing estates, out of town shopping centres/areas and industrial estates built.
4 of 7
Counter Urbanisation
Migration of the better off to rural areas - Leads to commuting.
5 of 7
New Towns
Completely new towns planned and built. Started in the 1950's and continues now. Aim was to prevent urban sprawl and regenerate declining areas.
6 of 7
Low quality buildings in inner city are bought cheaply and improved by wealthy middle class. Encouraged by councils as it improves quality of life and the environment.
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
To use existing buildings but improve them in some way.
Card 3
Created in the 1950's when urban growth threatened the countryside. Areas of land around cities were protected from development.
Card 4
Growth of residential areas and light industry at edge of cities. New housing estates, out of town shopping centres/areas and industrial estates built.
Card 5
Migration of the better off to rural areas - Leads to commuting.
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