in Matthew, When angel Gabriel came to Mary to accept the role of the mother of the son of God
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What is the meaning of incarnation?
The fact that God was prepared to live a human life shows how much God loves the human race
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What were the two main points in Luke's and Matthew's story of the incarnation?
Mary was a virgin, jesus was the son of God, angel gabriel announced jesus' birth
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What is the word of God
Another name for the son of God
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How did Jesus describe himself
the son of man which showed his humanity and the son of god which showed that he shared Gods divine nature
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What are the 3 christian symbols?
ichthus (shows a declaration of faith), alpha and omega (Jesus and God are involved in everything from beginning to end) and chi-rho( reminder of the death of jesus)
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4 reasons against religious art
1. its impossible to portray God accurately can mislead people about what God looks like 3. praying in front of a statue confuses people 4. it is against the second commandement
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why do catholics like religious art?
it can inspire people, it gives people something to focus on and has a positive role in religious life
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How does the sacred heart represent Jesus?
flames coming from the heart represent the burning love that Jesus has for all people, a crown of thorns around the heart represent the crown placed on Jesus' head
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What are opposing ideas to portrayals of Jesus?
The second commandment teaches that it is wrong to worship images and that depicting Jesus as a human can be misleading, this ignores the fact that he is fully God
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What are the beatitudes?
this is when Jesus transformed God's will so that people knew what their attitudes should be. 'blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth'
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What is the parable of the sheep and the Goats?
When jesus taught his followers that they must care for others 'just as you did it to one of the members of my family, you did it to me'
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What are st iranaeus' teachings about jesus?
God is transcendent but christians can get to know what God is like through Jesus, jesus is the son of God he has the same qualities and this means that christians can understand God's nature
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What does dei verbum and verbum domini teach about incarnation
1 God limited himself to a human form so humans could understand God and that the son of God became a human to live among other humans
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what is grace?
The free gift of Gods love to all people
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What is the sacramental nature of reality?
The world and everything in it is a sign of God's love and that Gods presence and love can be seen through the world
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What are the seven sacraments
marriage,baptism, confirmation, eucharist, ordination, reconciliation and the sacrament of the sick
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When does life begin?
Life begins at the moment of conception
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what is the concept of imago dei?
It means that because all humans are made in the image of God, that at conception this foeutuses should be protected. Abortion is wrong
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the meaning of incarnation?
The fact that God was prepared to live a human life shows how much God loves the human race
Card 3
What were the two main points in Luke's and Matthew's story of the incarnation?
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