Incidence and cause of major health problems

  • Created by: Em
  • Created on: 29-03-16 11:28
A balanced diet is an important way of protecting what?
1 of 24
Poor diet is associated with what?
Cancers, heart disease, stoke and tooth decay
2 of 24
Families and households on low income spend more money on what?
Foods high in fat sugar and salt
3 of 24
Obesity results from..?
An imbalance between energy intake and energy needs
4 of 24
Too many children spend too much time doing what?
Travelling in cars, watching TV and playing computer games
5 of 24
What has contributed to the rise in obesity?
Larger portions, sugary drinks, more fast food outlets
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Obese people are more likely to suffer from what?
Low self-esteem, confidence issues and reduced mobility
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Tooth decay is caused by what?
Sticky deposits called dental plaque
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Plaque will harden into what substance?
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What increases the risk of tooth decay?
Frequent snacking on sugary foods
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Who suggested that physical inactivity is a risk factor for several diseases?
The Department of Health
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Do individuals from high socio-economic groups or low socio-economic groups do more exercise?
High socio-economic groups
12 of 24
Is physical activity helpful in maintaining good mental health?
13 of 24
What is the most significant cause of diseases which leads to early deaths in England?
14 of 24
Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. What other cancers does smoking contribute to?
Bladder, kidney, stomach, pancreas
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What is passive smoking?
Breathing in someone's cigarette smoke
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What percentage increased risk of diseases do non-smokers have who are exposed to passive smoking?
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Adult women should not drink more than how many units per day?
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Pregnant women should not drink more than how many units per week?
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Has alcohol been linked to domestic violence and drownings?
20 of 24
Are teenage girls living in deprived areas more likely to fall pregnant than those living in more affluent areas?
21 of 24
What is teenage pregnancy often associated with?
Lack of educational achievement
22 of 24
Research evidence on drugs has suggested a relationship between what?
Social deprivation and rates of drug-related deaths
23 of 24
Are young men or young women from deprived areas more likely to die from drug-related conditions?
Young men
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Poor diet is associated with what?


Cancers, heart disease, stoke and tooth decay

Card 3


Families and households on low income spend more money on what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Obesity results from..?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Too many children spend too much time doing what?


Preview of the front of card 5
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