Indian Music 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? MusicIndian and African MusicIGCSEEdexcel Created by: Gabby WoodwardCreated on: 09-03-13 13:30 10852943167 Across 1. ... sometimes perform with instruments aswell (7) 4. Each tala is set into groups called... (7) 6. The most popular Indian keyboard instrument (9) 7. Sixth note of the raga scale (3) 8. Slightly flat notes (5) 9. The flat hand strikes the bays like a slap (3) Down 2. The instrument which improvises the melody (5) 3. Another name for the Gat section, but with instruments only (7) 5. The tala has a set number of beats called... (6) 10. A pair of Indian drums (5)
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