Infection 0.0 / 5 ? NursingAnatomy and PhysiologyUniversityAll boards Created by: ccreaney313Created on: 22-03-22 17:08 What is infection? The presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissues 1 of 10 What are the four stages of progression? (from point of view of microorganism) 1. Colonization 2. Invasion 3. Multiplication 4. Spread 2 of 10 What are the four stages of infection? (from point of view of the infected individual) 1. Incubation period 2. Prodromal stage 3. Invasion period 4. Convalescence 3 of 10 What are the 4 types or classifications of infections? 1. Bacterial infection 2. Viral infection 3. Fungal infection 4. Parasitic & protozoal infection 4 of 10 What is the name when infection is transmitted indirectly by insects? Vector 5 of 10 Protein released during bacterial growth? Exotoxins 6 of 10 Exits of Infection Respiratory system, bodily fluids from GI or GU blood, placenta, skin or mucous membranes. 7 of 10 What is Pathogenicity? Microorganisms ability to produce disease. 8 of 10 Pathogen A microbe that is harmful and can cause infection 9 of 10 Nonpathogen A microbe that does not cause infection. 10 of 10
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