
What is a microorganism
Any organism too small to be seen by the naked eye
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What is a pathogen
Microorganisms that cause disease
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What is infection
The presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissues
3 of 29
What is symbiosis?
Benefits human and not harm the microorganism
4 of 29
What is mutualism?
Benefits human and microorganism
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What is commensalism
Benefits microorganism and not harm the human
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What is pathogenicity?
Benefits microorganism and harms the human
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What is opportunism?
A benign microorganism becomes pathogenic because of decreased human host resistance
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What is the process of infection
1. Colonization
2. Invasion
3. Multiplication
4. Spread
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Where do infectious microorganism exist?
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What is the clinical infectious disease process?
1.Incubation period
2. Prodromal stage
3. Invasion period
4. Convalescence
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What is the incubation period?
The interval between exposure to an infectious agent and the appearance of the first symptoms
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What is the prodromal stage?
The appearance of initial symptoms which are often mild including feeling of discomfort and tiredness
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What is the invasion period?
The pathogen is multiplying rapidly, invading further, affecting tissues at site of initial colonization and other areas
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What is the convalescence period?
Individuals immune and inflammatory systems have in general successfully removed infectious agent
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The clinical name for fever
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What is pyrexia?
Rise in body temperature above the normal
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What part of the brain regulates body temperature?
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What are the four classes of infectious microorganisms?
1.bacterial infection
2. Viral infection
3. Fungal infection
4. Parasitic and protozoal infection
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What is bacteremia?
Bacteria being transported in the blood due to failure of body’s defence mechanisms to infect other organs or multiplying in blood (sepsis)
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What is a virus?
Minute particle that is capable of replication but only within living cells
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A transmission from an animal reservoir is called what?
Zoonotic infection
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What is the viral life cycle
1. Attachment to target cell
2. Penetration
3. Uncoating ( release of viral nucleic acid)
4. Replication
5. Assembly ( formations of new virons)
6. Release
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What is fungus
Simple organism that lacks green pigment chlorophyll
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Infection with a fungus is called what?
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What is a parasite?
Any living thing that lives in or on another living organism
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What is Protozoa?
Single called parasitic organisms
27 of 29
List some infection control practices?
Hand hygiene
Waste disposal
Social distancing
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What are countermeasures against pathogens?
Active immunisation: Vaccines
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a pathogen


Microorganisms that cause disease

Card 3


What is infection


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is symbiosis?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is mutualism?


Preview of the front of card 5
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