This is where an infectious agent can invade surrounding tissues/other
sites. Through developed mechanisms to penetrate tissues & avoid
host’s nonspecific and specific defences
7 of 20
What are the 4 stages of the Clinical Infectious Disease Process?
1. Incubation period
2. Prodromal stage
3. Invasion period
4. Convalescence
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Describe the incubation period:
The interval between exposure to an infectious agent and the appearance of
the first symptoms.
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Describe the Convalescence Period:
Individual’s immune & inflammatory systems have in general successfully
removed infectious agent and symptoms decline.
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Can Infectious diseases be contagious during all periods of disease?
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What are some clinical Manifestation of Infectious Disease?
Fatigue, malaise, weakness, loss
concentration; generalised aching &
loss appetite.
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What is the hallmark / peak of an infectious disease?
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What is the clinical name for a fever?
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Which part of the nervous system regulates body temperature?
15 of 20
What are the 4 classes of Infectious Microorganisms?
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