
What is a micro-organism?
Any organism too small to be seen by the naked eye
1 of 20
What is infection?
The presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissues
2 of 20
what does MUTUALISM mean in relation to a micro-organism relationship with humans.
Benefits human & microorganism
3 of 20
If intestinal bacteria is released into the blood stream, what can this cause?
sepsis/ shock/ death
4 of 20
What are opportunistic microorganisms?
Microorganisms that seize the
opportunity when human defensive systems are weakened.
5 of 20
What are the 4 stages of The Process of Infection?
1. Colonization
2. Invasion
3. Multiplication
4. Spread
6 of 20
What does Invasion mean?
This is where an infectious agent can invade surrounding tissues/other
sites. Through developed mechanisms to penetrate tissues & avoid
host’s nonspecific and specific defences
7 of 20
What are the 4 stages of the Clinical Infectious Disease Process?
1. Incubation period
2. Prodromal stage
3. Invasion period
4. Convalescence
8 of 20
Describe the incubation period:
The interval between exposure to an infectious agent and the appearance of
the first symptoms.
9 of 20
Describe the Convalescence Period:
Individual’s immune & inflammatory systems have in general successfully
removed infectious agent and symptoms decline.
10 of 20
Can Infectious diseases be contagious during all periods of disease?
11 of 20
What are some clinical Manifestation of Infectious Disease?
Fatigue, malaise, weakness, loss
concentration; generalised aching &
loss appetite.
12 of 20
What is the hallmark / peak of an infectious disease?
13 of 20
What is the clinical name for a fever?
14 of 20
Which part of the nervous system regulates body temperature?
15 of 20
What are the 4 classes of Infectious Microorganisms?
1. Bacterial infection
2. Viral infection
3. Fungal infection
4. Parasitic & protozoal
16 of 20
How many stages are in the viral life cycle?
1. Attachment to target cell
2. Penetration
3. Uncoating (release of viral nucleic
4. Replication
5. Assembly (formation new virons)
6. Release
17 of 20
Which of the 4 classes of Infectious Microorganisms lack the green
pigment chlorophyll?
18 of 20
What is an infection with a fungus is called?
19 of 20
What are some infection control measures?
- Hand hygiene
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Needlestick & sharps injury prevention
- Cleaning & disinfection
- Respiratory hygiene (cough etiquette)
- Waste disposal
- Social distancing
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is infection?


The presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissues

Card 3


what does MUTUALISM mean in relation to a micro-organism relationship with humans.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


If intestinal bacteria is released into the blood stream, what can this cause?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are opportunistic microorganisms?


Preview of the front of card 5
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