
  • Created by: Queens123
  • Created on: 17-10-24 09:52
What is a microorganism?
Any organism too small to be seen by the naked eye
1 of 10
Define infection
The presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissues.
2 of 10
What is the process of infection?
Colonisation (exit reservoirs, transmitted via direct contact/exposure, transmitted by aerosolized microorganisms and passed through physical touch.)
Invasion(can invade other sites)
Multiplication(warm nutrient host environment. Replicate with infected c
3 of 10
What are the four stages of the infectious disease process?
Incubation(The interval between exposure to an infectious agent and the appearance of
the first symptoms)
Prodromal stage(The appearance of initial symptoms which are often mild including feeling of
discomfort and tiredness)
Invasion period(The pathogen
4 of 10
Name 6 symptoms of the flu
Muscle ache
Chest discomfort
5 of 10
What is bacteriamia ?
bacteria being transported in the
blood due to failure of body’s defence
mechanisms to infect other organs or
multiplying in the blood (Sepsis)
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Symptoms of sepsis
Shiver, fever, very cold
Extreme pain or general discomfort
Pale or discoloured skin
Sleepy, difficult to rouse, confused
“I feel like I might die”
Short of breath
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What is Parasite and Protozoa?
Parasite is any living thing that lives in or on another living organism
Protozoa is a single called parasitic organism
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What are the risk factors of parasitic or Protozoal infection.
weakened immunity; lack clean drinking
water; contact with soil containing infected animal or
human faeces; live or travel in tropical, subtropical
9 of 10
What are some countermeasures against pathogens?
Infection control eg, hand washing, PPE, sharp injury prevention, cleaning and disinfection,antibiotic unique to the infecting agent,vaccine.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define infection


The presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissues.

Card 3


What is the process of infection?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the four stages of the infectious disease process?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name 6 symptoms of the flu


Preview of the front of card 5
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