Experiences a burning pain when passing urine.
Dysuria is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs and symptoms of UTI in women
aged under 65 years without a catheter (along with new nocturia and
cloudy-looking urine)
1 of 6
New nocturia
Passing urine more often than usual at night.
New nocturia is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs and symptoms of UTI in
women under 65 years without a catheter (along with dysuria and cloudy-
looking urine).
New nocturia may be a sign of other problems, suc
2 of 6
Cloudy-looking urine
Urine is cloudy to the naked eye.
Cloudy-looking urine is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs/symptoms of UTI in
women under 65 years without a catheter (along with dysuria and new
3 of 6
In women aged under 65 years, a temperature of ≥37.9°C may indicate
pyelonephritis or sepsis.
The most common symptom is fever but this is non-specific.
The absence of a fever does not exclude a UTI.
4 of 6
Other common signs & symptoms
Urgency in women aged under 65 years and new urgency in women over 65
years is a common symptom that can indicate a UTI. It can also be a sign of an
overactive bladder
5 of 6
Visible haematuria
In women aged under 65 years, visible haematuria can be an indication for UTI.
However, when it is a finding on its own, consider causes other than a UTI and
investigate as appropriate.
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Passing urine more often than usual at night.
New nocturia is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs and symptoms of UTI in
women under 65 years without a catheter (along with dysuria and cloudy-
looking urine).
New nocturia may be a sign of other problems, suc
New nocturia
Card 3
Urine is cloudy to the naked eye.
Cloudy-looking urine is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs/symptoms of UTI in
women under 65 years without a catheter (along with dysuria and new
Card 4
In women aged under 65 years, a temperature of ≥37.9°C may indicate
pyelonephritis or sepsis.
The most common symptom is fever but this is non-specific.
The absence of a fever does not exclude a UTI.
Card 5
Urgency in women aged under 65 years and new urgency in women over 65
years is a common symptom that can indicate a UTI. It can also be a sign of an
overactive bladder
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